Last night, Friday the 24th, the network media failed in its investigating responsibilities . . . . again.
As concerns the growing scandal involving Attorney General Loretta Lynch, ABC gave this story 20 seconds while NBC and CBS made no mention of the story at all.
Earlier in the week, CNN gave 7 minutes of coverage to the Trump speech in Siouz City, Iowa, before a standing crowd only, of 6,000 Americans. Ditto MSNBC . . . and, no coverage on the "major" networks, despite the fact that this 75 minute speech was well received as a Presidential review of what has been accomplished by this Administration over the course of the past 5 months.
Fox News carried the entire speech, as it did with most of Obama's speeches. Fox ratings, as a result, tripled the ratings of CNN and doubled MSNBC, for the time slot.
Finally, almost no coverage for the signing of the Department of Veteran
Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017 which
will bring accountability back to the VA. This bill is the most comprehensive VA reform bill in modern American history. This legislation is as big as anything passed by the Obama Administration with the lone exception of ObamaCare, and includes something the Obama Administration staunchly opposed, namely protection for whistle blowers.
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