Fake News story #214: Severe cuts to Medicare . . . another NY Times lie.

Senate Health Care Bill Includes Deep Cuts to Medicaid

 Editor:  Here is the truth:  Medicare and Medicaid's cost of increase will be slowed.  No cuts to the program,  itself.  Next year,  the two programs will have more money than this year,  ditto for the next year and the next and the   . . . .  

We are talking about a cut in the rate of increase,  nothing more   . . . .   and the NY Times knows the truth but will continue to pretend that this is a program cut,  not a cut in the rate of increase.  I mean,  that is what the Media does.

1 comment:

  1. You will die poor. Your obesity caused health problems will not be fully covered.

    Heil Trump. Thank you for the tax cut for all my 1%ers!
