Did you know that Trump did something not done before, or, at least, in decades:

Yesterday was "flag day."  I fly my flag 24/7/365.  So does the White House.  But yesterday was different.  Added to the American flag was the POW-MIA flag.  Trump celebrated America AND those who fought and died for its existence.  Now that the peace-nix are out of office,  we can,  again,  pay homage to those who are willing to pay the supreme price.  


  1. And how much credibility does a guy have who says "It's a witch hunt"- when he investigated Obama's birth certificate for yrs?? lol

    1. Trump forced Barack into coming up with a birth certificate, after a lifetime of refusing to post his certificate.

  2. No member of Congress sees Mueller as dishonest or on a 'witch hunt' ... he has faithfully served Presidents of both parties.
