John Harwood / CNBC:
Trump makes bizarre claims at press event as Cabinet members take turns praising him
— Trump said that few presidents have passed more legislation than he
has, though Congress has passed no major legislation since he has been
Notes: It is amazing to me the liberties the Left take when dealing with the agenda and wording of the President and his staff. Juan Williams simply can't properly frame much of anything the President says or does, and Juan, sadly, is more than typical.
Take CNBC and the above referenced story. Turns out that Obama did not pass an major legislation in his first four months, if you do not count the 2009 Pay For Play Act he laughingly called "the Stimulus." 80% of the trillion dollar bill (when you include interest on the money borrowed from China/Japan to pay for the legislation) went to Democrat congressional districts and unions. As a "stimulus" of the economy, the legislation was a profound failure.
It took the /Dems another full year, without congressional opposition, to craft ObamaCare, and today, we all know that ObamaCare is falling apart of its own, poorly written wording and legal demands.
In four short months, President Trump has reversed more executive orders, eliminated more job killing regulations, created 700,000 jobs, and signed into law 38 bill. He has put the UNITED STATES back in front as a world leader, has seen more air strikes versus ISIS, in four months than Barack ordered in three freaking years, helped bring NATO into the modern age, almost forcing them single handed, to include the fight against Islamic terror, has reestablished our alliance with Israel and members of the Middle East and Egypt, realized the first "start" of a coal plant in three years, brought commitments for 250,000 jobs and trillions of dollars in foreign investments into the United States before the took office . . . . a first time ever accomplishment.
When you count legislation, executive orders, his strategy versus the regulatory assault on this nation, his refusal to continue to redistribute money to the evil leaders of the world via "climate change agreements," and his willingness to stay within the bounds of congressional process, something Barack spent six years refusing to do, you have a rather remarkable opening salvo for any president. Case closed. Trump wins again.
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