Understand that all of the following will become effective and binding by the end of July, not two or three or 10 years from now. The Dems do not understand that Trump won the election because he promised to get things done. Every day, in every way, he is earning our support, in spite of his awkwardness in dealing with a persistent and totally dishonest opposition . . . . . including certain Establishment Republicans (another term for "go along to get along") ~ editor.
Wilbur Ross on U.S.-China trade deal
Secretary Of Commerce Wilbur Ross joined FBN's Neil Cavuto to discuss the U.S.-China trade agreement.1. Meat and beef exports:
“For more than a decade we’ve been trying to get legitimate U.S. beef exports into China and they had expressed some concerns about the mad cow disease… use of hormones. Now we’ve overcome those obstacles and as of July 16, the U.S. will be free to export livestock to China,” he said, adding that the U.S. would now have access to a $2 billion market.
2. Natural gas exports to China:
Ross said they have worked on a new “regime” for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, which will allow China, the world’s largest importer of LNG, to sign long-term contracts with U.S. exporters.
“There had been some regulatory snafus frankly on both sides of the equation which we now have cleared up,” he said. “LNG prices have been languishing for quite a little while because, frankly, we have a good deal of oversupply. So it seemed weird, we have too much of it, it’s much cleaner than coal would be, and yet we weren’t really doing a big job of exporting it to China.”
3. The agreement would also open negotiations on biotech (genetically engineered food products).
“China had been resistant to biotech, to genetically engineered products coming from the U.S. into China. There have been eight applications that have been stalled, and stalled and stalled," Ross said. "Now we’ve worked out this whole regime where there will be a definitive hearing on it before the end of this very month, and then there’s a whole process for fixing whatever imperfections there may be left over after that."
See the article by Fox Business News, here, for the above text.
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