Want to insure Bannon's departure from the Trump White House. Do what Cernovich is threatening.
Notes: I'm sorry but there are only 1000 to 1500 folks who identify as being "alt-right." The above headline is generated by the far Left yellow blog, The Daily Beast. The Left has established an orchestrated attack on the GOP and President Trump, in part, by making a mountain out of the GOP related mole-hill we know and love as "the alt-Right." They want you to believe that the Trump White House is shattered, and the GOP is hopelessly dead locked in partisan division. Never mind the real-time disaster that is the demise of the Democrat Party on its march to the Left and over the edge of the cliff.
Me? I couldn't care less what the alt-right does. They did not put Trump in the White House, and they are not going to take him out . . . . . especially via some sort of scandal that "will ruin marriages." Been there, done that.
Trumpsters like myself, want the President to pull us away from the European Union, return the U.S. to a nation of Constitutional law and order, put the interests of our nation first, give us more political power as individuals, stop stealing/wasting our money, reestablish the military might of this once great nation, and put us back on track as far as jobs are concerned . . . . . and that is exactly what he is doing.
Trump will not fail. Only the party that claims to embrace him as President, will fail. Want to play suicide with your political future, start talking trash against Trump, as some in [GOP] have done, and you are "finished" come 2020, if not before.
At any rate, the above headline is worthless political trash talk, and nothing more, if for no other reason that this axiomatic truth: You do not threaten Donald Trump without retaliation, period.
The readership should that the "alt-right" has nothing to do with this blog or its political views. 'Nuff said.