Three reasons for continuing the prosecution of Hillary Clnton.

I am not one who is willing to leave the past behind,  especially when it involves the cover-up of four men in Benghazi,  two of which were screaming for help for five hours,  not knowing that their cowardly Commander and his Secretary of State had written them off and were no where to be found at the moment of death.  

I don't care about all that money she took from her "charity."  I don't care about the guns she was running from Libya into Syria.  I don't care about her pathetic marriage to a sex freak.  I only care about the fact that two men died,  on her watch,  after she called it a night and left the White House grounds.  That is more than criminal.  That is a crime that should never be forgiven  . . .  or at least "forgotten."  

President Trump has left the door open for her prosecution by the DOJ.  

With all this in mind, here are the three reasons that demand her presecution:  

1.  Bengahazi and the lie that was the video. 

2.  Benghazi and the lies  she told the surviving families without a tinge of conscience. 

3.  Benghazi and the smug confidence that she was above the law. a smugness manifested in the statement:  "At this point,  what difference does it make."  


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