The lawless one's are bitching about Kellyann's ethics. Can you believe that?

Politico:  The website of the federal government’s ethics watchdog has been inaccessible for hours, and agency officials say it’s because of surging traffic  . . . . .   

The tweet seemed to be referring to Trump administration adviser Kellyanne Conway, who appeared to violate ethics rules that prohibit executive branch officials from endorsing individual brands or products early Thursday morning. Conway offered what she called a “free commercial” for Ivanka Trump’s clothing line during an appearance on “Fox & Friends.”

In subsequent tweets, the agency emphasized that while it works to prevent ethics violations, “OGE does not have investigative or enforcement authority.”

Notes:  Sorry, but Kellyann was only righting a wrong against Ivanka Trump.  Obama spent millions of taxpayer money flying around raising money for his opposition party,  so no one here gives a crap about Kellyann's "ethics violations."  Besides, since when dod Democrats become pro-law and order types?  What a joke these people are. 


  1. Ethics? Say the same people who investigated Benghazi for 800 days but won't investigate Trump's taxes and his business conflicts of interest, involvement of Russia in his campaign? Corrupt. Only a matter of time before the real GOP patriots come forward and impeach the man-baby.

    1. Say all you want in your fantasy defense of Obama and Hillary. The FACT remains that they had left the White House and were in bed at the time the last two men in Benghazi were murdered. Hillary lost the election, in part, because of that.
