Same old same old: They don't really like him that much, but he is still a winner.

Iowa Poll: Trump's approval rating is underwater with Iowans . . . .    Donald Trump is starting his presidency underwater with Iowans.
Forty-two percent of Iowans approve of the job the newly inaugurated Republican is doing as president, while 49 percent disapprove, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll.
Trump won Iowa on his way to the White House by 9 percentage points in November, his widest victory among states believed by many to be swing states. Iowa Republicans overwhelmingly approve of Trump’s early actions, with 82 percent saying they approve of his job performance. But Democrats register nearly the opposite reaction, with 86 percent disapproving of his performance.

Notes:  And he beats Warren in the state.    "But, in the fourth week of Trump's presidency, a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows that Democrats could be in trouble — and Trump could triumph — if they continues their lurch to the left.

Despite the public's increasing misgivings about Trump's behavior and tactics in the White House, he still beats Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in a hypothetical matchup, 42 percent to 36 percent — a fairly impressive margin for an less-than-popular president against the prominent senator "  . . . . . .   so says Politico.  

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