Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence
— WASHINGTON — Phone records and intercepted calls show that members
of Donald J. Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump
associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence
officials in the year …
Notes: Wanna bet his people had a number of meetings with other nations as well and in the same time frame?
And what was Obama doing at the same time in his first Administration? Meeting with and having phone conferences with several of the Muslim nations of the world, CAIR, and the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, his first, his very first even before conferring with anyone in the American media, news "conference" was a phone conversation with a Muslim news agency in the Middle East, a news source owned by Al Qaeda . . . . . . . and look what a mess that turned out to be.
Here is the real problem: The Dems (as in dem-wits) cannot believe that 63 million folks voted for Trump, that outside of California, Trump was a majority candidate (by 1.4 million votes), that their "legacy" is going down or being thoroughly amended. That's what is going on . . . . the loser party talking to the loser media.
The National Security advisor is fired because he's a threat to national security... and the National Security Agency won't brief Trump with top secret intel because they believe he and his staff have been compromised by the Russians.
Fake news out of the European World Order media.
DeleteTruth: The turnoil/leaks/rebellion within the intel community is all about Obama subversives within the Trump Administration. Talk about Russian interfering in American politics !!! How about Obama and his OAF army of subversives dedicated to destroying the current government. Traitors all.
Drip drip drip... it's only 25 days... and this presidency is under investigation.
DeleteWhen Reagan was accused in Iran Contra, he did the honorable and patriotic thing... submitted to an investigation, ceded executive privilege, was as transparent as possible. What does Trump do? Tweet 'fake news', deny, disparage.... typical of what a criminal would do. Instead of wanting to get the truth out, he goes after the 'leakers' who told the truth. How much longer can you deny reality? YOU have quoted this source numerous times - especially on climate cane conspiracies, now you call it "Fake news out of the European World Order media."
It's coming. Trump has made US intel suspicious for good reason..... drip, drip, drip.... it's coming and you WILL see.... you can't stop it. Trump's Russian connection is more clear than ever. More details of the Russian dossier are confirmed every day.
Get a clue. We are in a world wide struggle with a corrupt dictator named Putin who has destroyed every measure of democratic reforms that Reagan brought about and is trying to impose it's ideology and further it's empire. If you can't be a patriot and take these threats seriously, there are others in your party that will. Putin is a thug and a killer and has Trump under his thumb. Trump has been constantly complimenting Putin... ever wonder why? Use your very small brain.
"We are in a world wide struggle with a corrupt dictator named Putin . . . . " So easy for you to pretend that this has been your position all along. Crap. Remember Obama laughing at Romney in the 2012 debates: "Russia our enemy? The cold war has been over for years, Mitt."
DeleteSo which is it? The clown in 2012 or the clowns in 2017?