Sanctuary Cities and the Dems resistece: Its beginning to crumble

Patricia Mazzei / miamiherald:
Miami-Dade mayor orders jails to comply with Trump crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties  

If the Dems think violating Federal law is as simple as ignoring said law,  then we are, indeed, living in an age of lawlessness.  Such is Progressive domestic policy,  practicing lawlessness when they think such is demanded.  

Examples extend beyond violating federal law on immigrant criminals.  Vandalism in the name of free speech  ("no justice, no peace"), targeting cops in the name of "the resistance,"  domestic harassment of our elected officials,  refusing to comply with subpoena's and FOIA requests (favorite tactics of the Obama/rogue Administration), writing legislation without the authority to do so,  ignoring Constitutional restrictions, and on and on.  

We have just finished with a Rogue Administration that practiced comprehensive lawlessness in the name of the "greater good."  The Democrat Party has been paying the price for this idiocy since and including the 2010 Mid-term elections.  And,  today, the Dems find themselves "suddenly" without any political power,  without a leader,  and without hope for an early turn-around.  

With the headline, above,  we are hoping that some within this rebel party,  are beginning to realize that they have been on the wrong path for some,  and are now turning to a more compliant position.  

Hail the Mayor of Dade County.    


  1. Last night in the emergency room, I cared for a 23 year-old woman with facial fractures as a consequence of the beatings she received by her boyfriend while he held her against her will in Tijuana. Her boyfriend is a Mexican citizen who was recently deported from the US. Those who suppose that our laws on immigration need not be enforced might reconsider their stance by caring for Mexican-American victims like my patient. Kudos to those who carried out the deportation (pre-Trump). Lets deport more just like him.
