Now it begins: Barack encourages civil unrest.

Politico:  Barack Obama spoke out Monday afternoon against his successor,  and,   in support of the protests opposing President Donald Trump with a spokesman saying the former president thinks they're “citizens exercising their Constitutional right. 

We should not be surprised with this bit of news (above).  After all,  Barack is a community organizer who believes in "muscular diplomacy."  In his private "practice," he would field a complaint,  meet with the targeted banks and businesses in the cross-hairs of the complaining civilian groups seeking consideration (money and/or favors),  demand reciprocity,  and move on to the next assignment.  The muscular aspect of his work involved threats of boycotts,  lawsuits,  humiliation in the press,  and the physical harassment of company employees including presidents and CEO's. 

When it comes to the current distress,  Barack encourages in-street violence,  vandalism in the name of social justice,  and violent opposition to law and order.  Muscular diplomacy?  Oh yeah.  Understand that Marxism believes that civil unrest to whatever extreme,  ends in a transformation of governmental standards and social norms.    


  1. We have never seen this in US history. This type of unrest, protest, and controversy surrounding such an unpopular president. Never.

    1. What a load of sheer crap. Nothing you see today compares to the unrest of the late 1960's and the 70's. Plus, you are looking at the Progressive base . . . . probably all of it! Kind of funny.
