The GOP is now, officially, the strongest American political party in 100 years.

Think about this: in 2009, Barack had both Houses of Congress and got next to nothing done in that year. In 2017, Trump will have both houses of congress. Let's compare notes at the end of the year.

Did you know that 39% of Cuban Hispanics voted for Trump?
That 30% of Hispanics voted for Trump?
That he won the white women vote, contrary to popular projections?
That 13% of Black men voted for Trump?
That Hillary took in 7 million fewer votes than in 2012?
That Hillary took in 10 million fewer votes than Obama in 2008?
That the Democrats only have 15 State Governors, and five of them are in red states?
That the Market did not crash, as predicted, but, instead, set records for each of the past two days?
That Trump has backed off mass deportations, except to deport the 2 million illegal criminal population?
That 2018 is a very bad year for incumbent Democrat Senators?
That Trump is talking about returning education oversight to the states, abolishing the Department of Education?
That the GOP is the strongest political party in 100 years . . . seriously
That the Dems have lost 3 of the past 4 election cycles (2010, 2014 and 2016)?
That Obama is the worst thing to have ever happened to the Democrat Party?

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