The Washington Times warns.
“As President Obama runs out the clock on his eight-year tenure,
analysts say, he still has plenty of business left undone, and they
expect him to follow the lead of other presidents and issue a series of
rules, to add to his list of executive orders, to continue his
record-setting pace of commutations and perhaps add a controversial
pardon or two into the mix.”
What does this warning involve? Well, for starters, expect to see more commutations, setting convicted criminals free at a rate (more than 800 to date) higher than all 11 past presidents combined.
I fully expect Obama to pardon Hillary Clinton, guilty or not, before leaving office. His pardon would necessarily end further investigations into this woman's criminal enterprise. While she would escape prosecution, the stain on her legacy would effect the Democrat party, by implication, and, add to the national disgust we all have for our wannabee-Muslim president.
I continue to believe Barack will give the land on which GITMO is located, back to Cuba. As I understand the agreement as originally written, our president has that authority if the Cuban government is agreeable. Of course, if he gives the land back to Cuba, the closure of GITMO will be irreversible . . . . one of the few "irreversible" actions of his subversive administration.
He will continue with his campaign against the middle class business man, as he piles on more spiteful regulations. The good news, in all of this, is the fact that most of these current regulations will not have had the time needed for full implementation. None of his 7,000 regulations are legislative law. They are legal, of course, but not legislated. Which means, Trump can unravel any and/or all of the Obama regulatory crap, without the need for agreement from Congress. He has promised to do this. Time will tell.
Finally, none of us know what is coming down the pike via "executive order." But, we do know that none of these orders are set in stone.
So, while Obama will be busy, little can be done that cannot be undone.
Hussein plans on living in D.C., and becoming a power broker for the Left. He will have some success, in that effort, but his efforts will be overwhelmed by Trump and an aggressive GOP congress.
The Founding Fathers established a Representative Democracy. Antagonistic party politics is part of that equation. It gets tiresome, to be sure, but "party opposition" is what has kept this country from being ruled by dictators and malcontents. We have gotten a taste of what a dictator can do with the administration of Hussein Obama. Now, we must rewrite his subversive "legacy," and move on. In the end, his legacy will be little more than a thorn in the flesh.
Now you know.
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