Obama is being paid as "president," but has spent more than two years of his 8 years playing golf, campaigning, giving speeches, taking selfies, and, attending parties and dinners.

In defense of my headline:  Add it up:  340 rounds of golf takes 300 eight hour days;  more than 4,000 speeches at 3 hours per speech including travel  =  500 eight hour days.  He is the most prolific do nothing president in our history.  

Yesterday, Obama was in North Carolina.  Besides the fact that he sdid an excellent job of acting like a smart-ass,  he, also,  pretended to be on the side of of the Constitution and the average working man.

Barack took words of Trump,  and used them to build a strawman.  I am talking about Trump's threat to throw Hillary in jail,  should he become president.  Now,  I actually do not remember Trump making that specific statement,  but he has made the point that his Administration would seek a special prosecutor to continue to prosecute a criminal case against Mrs. Bill Clinton.    

Barack made this comment, "You [speaking of Barack Obama ~ editor] threaten to throw your opponent in jail without any due process  . . . . .   imagine what you’ll do when you actually have the power to violate the Constitution along those lines."  Again, and, of course,  Trump has never taken the position described by our wannabee Muslim president.  That should come as a surprise when you stop to think about the place lying has in Barack's political strategy handbook ("If you like your doctor,  you can keep your doctor,  period").  When an opponent is left with lying as a strategy for success,  you know he or she is working for a political position that is a lie in and of itself.  ObamaCare was a lie from the very beginning and we are seeing its demise as we speak. 

Obama follows this up by saying,  " He (Trump) claims to be for the common man.  You don't see him hanging out with working folk  . . . .   I mean,  common on folks."  As if Barack ever worked hard,  a day in his life.  The common man is someone who Barack nearly hates.  This is a man who has spent nearly a full year of his presidency playing golf.  Thats how long it take to play 340 rounds of the game. In fact,  the Democrat election strategy includes ignoring the white blue collar worker.  Obama is a lily fingered,  elitist,  a man raised in the tradition of white privilege,  a man who never walk the lines in the civil rights movement before he became president.  He is no more an authentic Black man than his mother was a dedicated woman of faith. 

Obama: Donald Trump Would Tolerate Klan If Elected President

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