These folks created the polls that said Hillary would win, and then reported on this polling fantasy as if it was a fact. So much for science and the "scientific polling survey."
Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
How does Hillary win the popular vote by 2,2 million and lose the electoral vote by a wide margin?
Hillary won in California by 3.9 million votes over Trump. She leads the national vote by 2.2 million. And Trump won with 306 electoral votes to Hillary's 232, a margin of 74 . . . . . a butt kicking. How is this possible? Because her "national lead" is all about California. Take its 3.9 million out of the mix, and, Trump wins the popular vote in the remaining 49 states by 1.7 million votes. Trump did not win a single electoral vote in California, but he dominated in the remaining 49 states.
You say, "But California's popular vote counts, too."
Actually the popular does not count at all. Besides this, I am saying that the Dems pretend "the nation" voted for Hillary, when in fact, California voted for her. The popular vote went to Trump outside of California, explaining why he won a sizable victory in the Electoral College and states such as Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and more. Finally, "democracy" defined as "majority rule" does not benefit minority communities such as Gays, the white-Irish, the Chinese American, or any other minority. We are a representative democracy or republic per the genius of our Founding Fathers. Obama was not my choice because I hate totalitarian rule, but I had to act like an adult about it, for eight freaking years. Now it is your turn so grow up.
You say, "But California's popular vote counts, too."
Actually the popular does not count at all. Besides this, I am saying that the Dems pretend "the nation" voted for Hillary, when in fact, California voted for her. The popular vote went to Trump outside of California, explaining why he won a sizable victory in the Electoral College and states such as Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and more. Finally, "democracy" defined as "majority rule" does not benefit minority communities such as Gays, the white-Irish, the Chinese American, or any other minority. We are a representative democracy or republic per the genius of our Founding Fathers. Obama was not my choice because I hate totalitarian rule, but I had to act like an adult about it, for eight freaking years. Now it is your turn so grow up.
Here is one of many reasons why the GOP could not win without Trump:
Jordain Carney / The Hill:
McConnell pushes back at Trump on flag-burning comments
Me? I could not care less as to the Constitutional right of some freak to burn the American flag. And I am a representative of the blue-collar, working-man, middle class . . . . . you know, that huge block of voters Obama and his Elitist Class have been making fun of for years.
Most of us know that burning the flag is a supposed "free speech" issue, and most of us don't give a damn. And what does Mitch McConnell do? He comes to the aid of Democrat/Progressives the world over, in defense of flag burning. To the audience I just labeled as "the Don't Give A Damn voting block," his comments do not get their vote.
Here is a headline that does, and it comes from Joe Manchin, a hero in the Democrat Party:
he Hill:
Me? I could not care less as to the Constitutional right of some freak to burn the American flag. And I am a representative of the blue-collar, working-man, middle class . . . . . you know, that huge block of voters Obama and his Elitist Class have been making fun of for years.
Most of us know that burning the flag is a supposed "free speech" issue, and most of us don't give a damn. And what does Mitch McConnell do? He comes to the aid of Democrat/Progressives the world over, in defense of flag burning. To the audience I just labeled as "the Don't Give A Damn voting block," his comments do not get their vote.
Here is a headline that does, and it comes from Joe Manchin, a hero in the Democrat Party:
he Hill:
Dem senator: I'll ‘beat the hell out of you’ for burning flag
— (D-W.Va.) lashed out at flag burning on Tuesday after
President-elect Donald Trump — raised the issue. — “It's a First
Amendment right, but you do it in front of me, I'm going to beat the
hell out of you,” Manchin said, according to a Roll Call reporter.
'Nuff said.
Just know that Trump not only beat down the Progressive "We want to be like Europe" crowd, he also beat down the "We want to keep our power and place" crowd within the GOP. Trump is smart enough to know that he has to have the support of a political party in order to have a chance of turning America around, so he will put up with the likes of Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich's runny mouth.
Hail to the Chief !!!!!
The Right side of the aisle must be pleased with Trump. He has wasted no time as he assures the folks that he will keep his promises.
I recently heard a Democrat complain:
"Instead of trying to fix ObamaCare, the GOP is acting more like a wreaking ball."
Incredible. The health care reform law was written by the Democrats to the exclusion of the GOP. In his first two years, Barack Hussein took time to meet with GOP leadership no more than three times, and none of those meetings were about the discussion of policy.
What goes around, comes around.
Look, this last election was about ObamaCare and the battle cry, "Repeal and replace." The nation knew what was on the line, November 8. Everyone knew. And the appointment of Dr. Tom Price is Trump telling the world, "I am more than serious about health care repeal and replacement." And the Dems are afraid.
The Dems simply cannot be serious in their criticism of the GOP. Elections have consequences. Obama loved reminding us of that fact. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the Dems have suddenly come to Jesus regarding letting bygones being bygones.
It was Obama who said, "Elections are the best revenge." Amen. We should not proceed forward out of a sense of revenge, but it is surely pleasing when revenge is the consequence of the corrective and legislative process.
"Instead of trying to fix ObamaCare, the GOP is acting more like a wreaking ball."
Incredible. The health care reform law was written by the Democrats to the exclusion of the GOP. In his first two years, Barack Hussein took time to meet with GOP leadership no more than three times, and none of those meetings were about the discussion of policy.
What goes around, comes around.
Look, this last election was about ObamaCare and the battle cry, "Repeal and replace." The nation knew what was on the line, November 8. Everyone knew. And the appointment of Dr. Tom Price is Trump telling the world, "I am more than serious about health care repeal and replacement." And the Dems are afraid.
The Dems simply cannot be serious in their criticism of the GOP. Elections have consequences. Obama loved reminding us of that fact. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the Dems have suddenly come to Jesus regarding letting bygones being bygones.
It was Obama who said, "Elections are the best revenge." Amen. We should not proceed forward out of a sense of revenge, but it is surely pleasing when revenge is the consequence of the corrective and legislative process.
Tom Price is the Secretary of Health and Human Services and he is the perfect pick for that assaignment.
Six term Representative Tom Price, a 20 year orthopedic surgeon from Georgia and long term opponent of ObamaCare, has been chosen as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
He will be a key figure in revamping Obama's poorly written health care reform bill. But, more than this, he appears to be a compassionate man and that compassion does as much to qualify him for health care reform than even his own history as a surgeon.
Excellent choice.
He will be a key figure in revamping Obama's poorly written health care reform bill. But, more than this, he appears to be a compassionate man and that compassion does as much to qualify him for health care reform than even his own history as a surgeon.
Excellent choice.
The following headline is an example of why U.S. voters went for Trump
<<< Make note of Trump's desk. You can't find a picture of a "busy desk" in any of Barack's memorabilia. This desk is a sign of a busy administrator.
Kellyanne Conway tweets a photo of her and Trump 'working hard' after furiously denying report of a rift between them
" . . . . furiously denying report . . . . ." is the key issue, here. Understand that there is no such report, as in official report, only a rumor created by MSNBC in the hopes of driving a wedge between Trump and his so-called "followers." This rumor was never true, did not come from any source outside the "news rooms" of NBC, and was a designed falsehood from the very beginning.
Midknight Review did not even refer to this nonsense until now, in this particular post.
America's heartland has not believed in the Corporate Media for decades, and thanks to our Wannabee Muslim president, the Heartland now has enough folks on its side to win an election and send Mr. Renegade packing.
Note: "Renegade" is the Secret Service name attached to Barack at the request of Barack, himself. I use it as a pejorative, but he used it as a proud marker of who he is and what he wanted to be.
Coming up with the 7 million to prosecute the recount is hardly the last great obstacle. For starters . . . .
Coming up with the 7 million dollars to prosecute the recount is hardly the last great obstacle. For starters . . . .Stein's lawsuit would have to present evidence that election fraud
was probable in Pennsylvania, if not in all three states. Democratic Secretary of State, Pedro Cortes, maintains that "there's no evidence of voting irregularities during the Nov. 8
“Absolutely not,” Cortes told reporters. “There is no evidence whatsoever that points to any type of irregularity in any way, shape or form."
While Stein is essentially alleging that errors, tampering or hacking had occurred to affect outcomes in the three states, even computer scientists who recommended a recount, to rule out tampering have gone to great lengths to make it clear there is no proof of hacking or fraud in the election results.
More than this, to imagine that 70,000 votes in Pennsylvania can be overturned, is to imagine that a man can say he is a woman and . . . . . and . . . . oops, we already believe the impossible.
Finally, If all 70,000 votes are overturned except one, Trump still wins.
“Absolutely not,” Cortes told reporters. “There is no evidence whatsoever that points to any type of irregularity in any way, shape or form."
While Stein is essentially alleging that errors, tampering or hacking had occurred to affect outcomes in the three states, even computer scientists who recommended a recount, to rule out tampering have gone to great lengths to make it clear there is no proof of hacking or fraud in the election results.
More than this, to imagine that 70,000 votes in Pennsylvania can be overturned, is to imagine that a man can say he is a woman and . . . . . and . . . . oops, we already believe the impossible.
Finally, If all 70,000 votes are overturned except one, Trump still wins.
News Alert: Trump won the popular vote (outside the State of California).
Do the math. Hillary is up on Trump by 2.2 million votes. She won California by 3.9 million votes. Which means, outside the borders of the State of California, Trump won the national vote by 1.7 million votes !!!
Think I am kidding about the Dems and their love affair with Communism? Think again.
All of the Congressional Black Caucus support the Castro Brothers, as does Barack Obama and his cabal of clowns. The Dems believe in domestic transformation via open rebellion and violence in the streets. Their guide for domestic revolution is "Rules for Radicals," a handbook for community organizing that is still in print, today, because of its continued popularity within the Elitist Class. It was first published in 1971.
No, there's not one chance in 700 hells she will be successful. The Dems are just being . . . .
Hillary overturn the election results with her challenge? No, there's
not one chance in 700 hells she will be successful. The Dems are just
being babies about this election. The adults are about to move into our
White House and the Dems are throwing tantrum.
If you are conservative and fear that the Dems are going to steal the election, relax. The media has to sell print and air time, so they will continue this story line, including FoxNews. But the truth will set you free.
Here's the truth:
The charge being made by Hillary and Jill the Shrill is that the evil Russians hacked the election in Wisconsin, Michigan, and, Pennsylvania. In order to be successful, this Hillary challenge HAS TO over-rule the election results in all three states in this recount.
Trump won Penn by 70,000 votes or 1.2% of the total vote and none of that states voting machines are new enough be placed "on line." They are little more than simple word processors. Russia can't hack them except via carrier pigeon.
No presidential election has ever been overturned via a recount.
There were 8 recounts in Florida and none overturned the election result. Gore lost Florida by 500 votes, a result certified by the State's Supreme Court with its Democrat majority as justices.
The Hillary recount would have to overturn 10,000 votes in Michigan, 22,000 in Wisconsin, and a whopping 70,000 in Pennsylvania. And, the Obama Administration is on record saying that it does not believe voter fraud was a problem in those three states.
This recount is all about Democrat hypocrisy and their refusal to require of themselves what they demand of others. This recount is part of the reason the clowns on the Left lost the 2016 election.
Like I said, "Relax." Thee is nothing to fear.
If you are conservative and fear that the Dems are going to steal the election, relax. The media has to sell print and air time, so they will continue this story line, including FoxNews. But the truth will set you free.
Here's the truth:
The charge being made by Hillary and Jill the Shrill is that the evil Russians hacked the election in Wisconsin, Michigan, and, Pennsylvania. In order to be successful, this Hillary challenge HAS TO over-rule the election results in all three states in this recount.
Trump won Penn by 70,000 votes or 1.2% of the total vote and none of that states voting machines are new enough be placed "on line." They are little more than simple word processors. Russia can't hack them except via carrier pigeon.
No presidential election has ever been overturned via a recount.
There were 8 recounts in Florida and none overturned the election result. Gore lost Florida by 500 votes, a result certified by the State's Supreme Court with its Democrat majority as justices.
The Hillary recount would have to overturn 10,000 votes in Michigan, 22,000 in Wisconsin, and a whopping 70,000 in Pennsylvania. And, the Obama Administration is on record saying that it does not believe voter fraud was a problem in those three states.
This recount is all about Democrat hypocrisy and their refusal to require of themselves what they demand of others. This recount is part of the reason the clowns on the Left lost the 2016 election.
Like I said, "Relax." Thee is nothing to fear.
Next time the Left cries about being fearful of the Right, maybe you can have them read this news story. The Left is as violent an institution as exists, to the exclusion of the GOP.
More than a dozen states have no laws
making it illegal for the electors to change their vote. If Clinton’s
supporters can get enough of the 163 electors from states where Trump
both won and votes can be legally switched on Dec. 19, Hillary Clinton
becomes the next president of the United States. This is why death threats abound, all from the Left.
Chaos, Occupy, Black Lives Matters, Green Peace, the New Black Panthers, Al Sharpton and the geniuses who follow him around, our inner-city gangs whose voting adults vote 99% for Democrats, CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood, all of these and more practice violence as a path to domestic reform. The Right Wing has no such comparison.
Think about it: While the Left brings up the Skinheads and the KKK, they refuse to acknowledge that these groups are not accepted by the GOP, period. All of the groups mentioned in my review of Democrat support, have the blessings of the Progressive Party. While the Party officially denies violence, it never separates itself from the groups causing the violence.
Consider this: The Democrat Party invented the KKK, wrote all of the Jim Crow laws, and is to blame for the Civil War. And they have a claim to being the party of tolerance ????? Good grief.
This will be under reported , count on it, but Trump has told his people to . . . .
This will be under reported, count on it, but Trump has told his people to look into Hillary's dealings with foreign countries as the investigation into her Foundation continues to be under investigation, at least on the "down low."
Update: Here is a headline that confirms my story. I first learned of this via FoxNews. Now I give you some confirmation:
New York Post: Trump administration will pressure foreign states to probe Clinton Foundation
Update: Here is a headline that confirms my story. I first learned of this via FoxNews. Now I give you some confirmation:
New York Post: Trump administration will pressure foreign states to probe Clinton Foundation
ESPN must be proud. Now their hero, Colin Kaepernick, celebrates Fidel Castro.
Update: Sunday, 10:09 am pst - Kaepernick has never registered to vote, is a supporter of the cop killers known as Black Lives Matters, refuses to salute the flag or stand for the National Anthem, and, two days ago, celebrated Castro as a great national leader. Little wonder, then, that Fox Sports did not air the National Anthem, but waited to start its broadcast until after the opening ceremony.
Armando Salguero / miamiherald: Unrepentant hypocrite Colin Kaepernick defends Fidel Castro
Turns out, Kaepernick has never registered to vote. He is pro-Black Lives Matters (the cop killers running rampant in our inner cities), and may be a closet Communist.
Expect to see and hear ESPN make excuses for this clown (have you seen his Bozo The Clown hairdo?).
Time for all true Americans to boycott the San Fransisco 49's.
Armando Salguero / miamiherald: Unrepentant hypocrite Colin Kaepernick defends Fidel Castro
Turns out, Kaepernick has never registered to vote. He is pro-Black Lives Matters (the cop killers running rampant in our inner cities), and may be a closet Communist.
Expect to see and hear ESPN make excuses for this clown (have you seen his Bozo The Clown hairdo?).
Time for all true Americans to boycott the San Fransisco 49's.
The Dems scream, "Trump may refuse to accept the election." And, then, refuse to accept the election result, themselves. Pathetic.
“What a pack of sore losers. After asking Mr. Trump and his team a million times on the trail, ‘Will he accept the election results?’ it turns out Team Hillary and their
new BFF Jill Stein can’t accept reality.” ~ Kellyann Conway
This editor has been publishing for eight years and has found that accusations and challenges coming from the Democrat side of the aisle are always expressed as their failings, when the tables are reversed . . . . . and I am talking about "100%" hypocrisy on this point.
Hillary made a big deal of saying "When they take the low road, we take the high road." What a crock that turned out to be.
Publish a picture of Barack painted up as the Joker, and they have a fit . . . . . forgetting that they were the ones who invented the Joker image in their perpetual attacks on GW Bush.
They brand the GOP as the party of the KKK, when the Dems invented that sad institution, wrote all of Jim Crow, and continue to use the Black community to ransack our cities and win elections.
They have no reason for rejecting the election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan except for the fact that they don't like the individual outcomes.
You should know that Michigan has been recounted. The result? The vote total for Trump fell from 13,000 to a nominal 10,000. It is highly unlikely that another recount will change anything . . . . . . and the Democrats know it. They are the ones who refuse to accept the election day results, not Trump and the GOP.
And the end result if Hillary is successful? For one thing, this editor will not accept her as "president." But more than this, she will be the "president" without a Congress. So be it. The GOP should do absolutely nothing, but fund the government, if Hillary is successful in stealing this election. And, the Dems will have hell to pay in 2018.
This editor has been publishing for eight years and has found that accusations and challenges coming from the Democrat side of the aisle are always expressed as their failings, when the tables are reversed . . . . . and I am talking about "100%" hypocrisy on this point.
Hillary made a big deal of saying "When they take the low road, we take the high road." What a crock that turned out to be.
Publish a picture of Barack painted up as the Joker, and they have a fit . . . . . forgetting that they were the ones who invented the Joker image in their perpetual attacks on GW Bush.
They brand the GOP as the party of the KKK, when the Dems invented that sad institution, wrote all of Jim Crow, and continue to use the Black community to ransack our cities and win elections.
They have no reason for rejecting the election results in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan except for the fact that they don't like the individual outcomes.
You should know that Michigan has been recounted. The result? The vote total for Trump fell from 13,000 to a nominal 10,000. It is highly unlikely that another recount will change anything . . . . . . and the Democrats know it. They are the ones who refuse to accept the election day results, not Trump and the GOP.
And the end result if Hillary is successful? For one thing, this editor will not accept her as "president." But more than this, she will be the "president" without a Congress. So be it. The GOP should do absolutely nothing, but fund the government, if Hillary is successful in stealing this election. And, the Dems will have hell to pay in 2018.
Salute to Sarah Palin for paving the way for a Trump ascendancy.
Editor's note: A year and a half ago, I was so furious with Sarah Palin for running to Donald Trump, that I ended my blog, "Meet Sarah Palin," in disgust. I was wrong to do so. But I didn't know it, until three weeks ago, and the time immediately following his historic election. Turns out, he is doing what he promised (clearly, he is no Democrat) and is setting a remarkable standard for anyone who follows his presidency. The following is a reprint of a Breitbart salute to the beautiful Governor of Alaska. Her 15 minutes of fame, has given us the Conservative Movement from which the Trump Popularism has manifested itself.
SiriusXM host Alex Marlow noted that Palin’s 2008 candidacy inspired many women, including his wife, to shift to the Republican Party precisely because Palin offers a real example of what women can accomplish – unlike Hillary Clinton, who “is where she is because she married a powerful man.”
Palin said it was “very cool” to hear that about Marlow’s wife. “That just makes my day,” she said, a wee bit tearfully. “I just love hearing that. Thank you!”
She added the observation that Hillary Clinton “stood by a cheating man” to the critique of Clinton’s position at the head of politicized feminism.
“I’d have none of that,” Palin declared firmly.
“What they have created, unfortunately, is this message to little girls, young women, that they need Big Daddy Government to provide for them, that they’re incapable of providing for themselves, being independent, and pulling themselves up from the bootstraps and making it,” she continued. “That’s so unfortunate, and it’s the antithesis, really, of feminism and understanding equal rights. It’s just such a ruse.”
“And yeah, Hillary’s been a part of that, so those who want government to pay for their cell phone, and their birth control, and their housing, and everything else – and particularly they push so hard for women to receive a lot of gimmes, even though if they’re able-bodied they can get out there and work for it like the rest of us do. They’re sending that message that I’m afraid would make young women feel like, ‘Oh, well if our leaders are saying that, I am just a little girl here who can’t make it on my own. I guess I need Big Daddy Government.’ So that’s unfortunate,” she said.
Marlow asked if Palin would consider a post in the Trump Administration such as Secretary of the Interior, given her experience with energy and environmental issues as Governor of Alaska.
“I told Mr. Trump early, early on that I’m a believer that you don’t need a title, and you don’t need an office to make a difference,” she replied. “I’m sincere. I told him that, and maybe he’s taking it absolutely literally, and I’m not offered a post – which, however it goes, is fine with me. I just voted for him to be the leader of the free world, our President, so I trust him to build a team that works for him.”
“He’s going to have good people around him to change policy that has been shoved down America’s throat, unfairly and unconstitutionally, and that is going to do wonders for, not just our psyche, but our economy, practical things, and national security. The things that Trump and his team will be able to undo, and then the things that he will be able to do, that he has promised to do – it’s all good,” she predicted.
Palin said Trump has “already showed us that he’s going to hit the ground running, and he’s done that through this record-setting transition team process that he’s going through.”
“We need that, we expect that. We expect no betrayals,” she said. “No betrayals this time. America can’t take another political betrayal. So the things that have been promised, we voted for them, we expect them, and we are going to hold everybody’s feet to the fire – everybody on that team, the President included. And I say this with all due respect, but it’s going to be our job as voters to hold everybody accountable.”
“What I expect in the first hundred days is implementation of policies that will undo this administration that had operated independent of the electorate, like with ObamaCare, and with the omnibus, and those things that Congress actually capitulated on, and allowed Barack Obama to do to us,” she said. “In the first hundred days, Trump can undo what the administration had done unconstitutionally.”
Palin further argued that agencies like the IRS which have been “weaponized against us, against We the People – no more of that. In the first hundred days, he can do whatever needs to be done to take those weapons away from our own government agencies, who seek to harm the people.”
Marlow asked about the Palin family’s Thanksgiving traditions. Palin said one of them was, “We go around the room – and it’s a big room by now, with a big growing family – and I ask everybody, what are you thankful for, and what do you want to do to make the world a better place in the coming year?”
“I know that, I think 100% of the family members this go-around are going to say they’re very thankful that the people elected Donald Trump. We feel more secure,” she said.
She said the Palin family would be obliged by a combination of home remodeling and the quest for better winter sports conditions to drive a few hours from home for the holiday. When Marlow asked what they usually discuss during Thanksgiving, she gave the quintessential Alaskan answer: “Snow.”
“We talk about how lucky we are to live in this paradise, where we get to get out and enjoy God’s green Earth, or in our case God’s white Earth,” she said joyfully. “The natural resources that we have all around us in Alaska! Alaska is so doggone blessed, because we get to look outside our window and say, ‘Yes, the hand of God is here. Look at the majesty all around us!’ We’re all very thankful for that. I’m very grateful that even the littlest ones in our family realize how different it is up here, culturally and resource-wise, how rich this place is. I’m sure everybody will express some appreciation for that, too.”
Inspired by Marlow’s comment that everyone needs to get off the grid, especially after such an acrimonious election season, Palin said she would add a new tradition this year: a Thanksgiving bucket, into which all guests would be required to deposit their cell phones until dinner was over.
“That doggone phone’s always in my hands, too,” she confessed. “It isn’t good, and that’s not how we were created. Technology is so wonderful, but it can be used for evil or for good. We have to make sure we’re not crossing that line.”
She said her husband Todd was her best teacher on this point because “he despises the cell phone,” and is perhaps even “a little bit harsh, but really good” at reminding his family to “put the damn phone away and get outside and play.”
Palin said her family has been doing great, celebrating the wedding of her daughter Bristol to Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer as a particular highlight. She lauded Meyer as “a very smart young man and politically astute, very impassioned about America,” and “just such a wonderful addition to the family.”
When Marlow asked if Meyer might one day have a political career, she said “he does have a political future if he would choose to do such a thing, he’d be good for the country.” She recommended him for “governor of Kentucky, if not Alaska, because he’s from Kentucky.”
“I tell him all the time, you don’t want to be in the Senate do you? Because unless you have a President you can work with, and team members all around you, reinforcements all around you, you’re going to be beating your head against the wall,” she said. “Because he’s so America First, unless he has colleagues agreeing to that, I think he’d be pulling his hair out.”
As for herself, she wryly noted that “transition meetings are going on in New York, while I’m on the other side of the world,” so the likelihood of an appointment to the Trump Administration seemed minimal.
“It goes without saying that family will be first,” Palin declared. “But then I want to help people like you, Alex, and those who work for outlets that don’t want to be a part of this corporate media that has so adversely affected truth and the things that America stands for. It’s been so bad what this unjust media has done to the country. So for those of you who are working so hard to tell the truth, I will be a part of that somehow.”
“It’s funny that politics and the media, the two most influential aspects of society – also the most controversial aspects of society, I believe – they’ve been in my heart since I was a little girl,” she reflected. “I always wanted to be a sports reporter. I always wanted to do the news. When I was a little kid, I think there was one woman sports reporter at the time, Willow Bay, I’ll never forget her. And I always wanted to do something in politics. That just grows as a passion in me. It’s not diminished at all. So somehow touching both is what I will do.”
At the moment, she still named Facebook as the primary venue for her writing, although she allowed that she doesn’t like “driving traffic to Mark Zuckerberg.”
“I haven’t like that for years, but that’s been the best format for us, for now,” she said. “But I’m working to change that. I don’t like driving that traffic, and the revenue, to Zuckerberg’s people there on Facebook, knowing that that money will go to liberal causes that try to undo everything that we’re doing. So we’re working on getting away from Facebook.”
Having said that, she added “I am a believer in preaching outside of the choir,” and “infiltrating and influencing pop culture.”
“That’s why Todd and I, we haven’t hesitated doing some of the reality-type shows or hits that we’ve done because it’s like, hey, this is another reason why Donald Trump won. People knew him through pop culture,” Palin observed. “Pop culture, as Andrew Breitbart used to say, is downstream from politics. So Donald Trump was able to tap into that … one of the elements of the perfect storm that he is was already his notoriety and his influence on pop culture. That was one of the things that he brought to the table that certainly I recognized early on, and said yep, he’s the one, because he taps into the pop culture thinking.”
“I don’t think any of us should hesitate to be a part of that, if we’re going to do it for good,” she advised her fellow conservatives.
From Breitbart with my sincere apologies: On a special holiday edition of Breitbart News Daily, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin reflected on her experiences in the 2008 presidential campaign, her life after politics, the incoming Trump administration, and the role she might play in the years ahead.
Palin found some humor in the way liberals called her “sexist,” even though she argued she is “one of the most genuine feminists that ever can be, and that is truly believing that God’s created us equal.”SiriusXM host Alex Marlow noted that Palin’s 2008 candidacy inspired many women, including his wife, to shift to the Republican Party precisely because Palin offers a real example of what women can accomplish – unlike Hillary Clinton, who “is where she is because she married a powerful man.”
Palin said it was “very cool” to hear that about Marlow’s wife. “That just makes my day,” she said, a wee bit tearfully. “I just love hearing that. Thank you!”
She added the observation that Hillary Clinton “stood by a cheating man” to the critique of Clinton’s position at the head of politicized feminism.
“I’d have none of that,” Palin declared firmly.
“What they have created, unfortunately, is this message to little girls, young women, that they need Big Daddy Government to provide for them, that they’re incapable of providing for themselves, being independent, and pulling themselves up from the bootstraps and making it,” she continued. “That’s so unfortunate, and it’s the antithesis, really, of feminism and understanding equal rights. It’s just such a ruse.”
“And yeah, Hillary’s been a part of that, so those who want government to pay for their cell phone, and their birth control, and their housing, and everything else – and particularly they push so hard for women to receive a lot of gimmes, even though if they’re able-bodied they can get out there and work for it like the rest of us do. They’re sending that message that I’m afraid would make young women feel like, ‘Oh, well if our leaders are saying that, I am just a little girl here who can’t make it on my own. I guess I need Big Daddy Government.’ So that’s unfortunate,” she said.
Marlow asked if Palin would consider a post in the Trump Administration such as Secretary of the Interior, given her experience with energy and environmental issues as Governor of Alaska.
“I told Mr. Trump early, early on that I’m a believer that you don’t need a title, and you don’t need an office to make a difference,” she replied. “I’m sincere. I told him that, and maybe he’s taking it absolutely literally, and I’m not offered a post – which, however it goes, is fine with me. I just voted for him to be the leader of the free world, our President, so I trust him to build a team that works for him.”
“He’s going to have good people around him to change policy that has been shoved down America’s throat, unfairly and unconstitutionally, and that is going to do wonders for, not just our psyche, but our economy, practical things, and national security. The things that Trump and his team will be able to undo, and then the things that he will be able to do, that he has promised to do – it’s all good,” she predicted.
Palin said Trump has “already showed us that he’s going to hit the ground running, and he’s done that through this record-setting transition team process that he’s going through.”
“We need that, we expect that. We expect no betrayals,” she said. “No betrayals this time. America can’t take another political betrayal. So the things that have been promised, we voted for them, we expect them, and we are going to hold everybody’s feet to the fire – everybody on that team, the President included. And I say this with all due respect, but it’s going to be our job as voters to hold everybody accountable.”
“What I expect in the first hundred days is implementation of policies that will undo this administration that had operated independent of the electorate, like with ObamaCare, and with the omnibus, and those things that Congress actually capitulated on, and allowed Barack Obama to do to us,” she said. “In the first hundred days, Trump can undo what the administration had done unconstitutionally.”
Palin further argued that agencies like the IRS which have been “weaponized against us, against We the People – no more of that. In the first hundred days, he can do whatever needs to be done to take those weapons away from our own government agencies, who seek to harm the people.”
Marlow asked about the Palin family’s Thanksgiving traditions. Palin said one of them was, “We go around the room – and it’s a big room by now, with a big growing family – and I ask everybody, what are you thankful for, and what do you want to do to make the world a better place in the coming year?”
“I know that, I think 100% of the family members this go-around are going to say they’re very thankful that the people elected Donald Trump. We feel more secure,” she said.
She said the Palin family would be obliged by a combination of home remodeling and the quest for better winter sports conditions to drive a few hours from home for the holiday. When Marlow asked what they usually discuss during Thanksgiving, she gave the quintessential Alaskan answer: “Snow.”
“We talk about how lucky we are to live in this paradise, where we get to get out and enjoy God’s green Earth, or in our case God’s white Earth,” she said joyfully. “The natural resources that we have all around us in Alaska! Alaska is so doggone blessed, because we get to look outside our window and say, ‘Yes, the hand of God is here. Look at the majesty all around us!’ We’re all very thankful for that. I’m very grateful that even the littlest ones in our family realize how different it is up here, culturally and resource-wise, how rich this place is. I’m sure everybody will express some appreciation for that, too.”
Inspired by Marlow’s comment that everyone needs to get off the grid, especially after such an acrimonious election season, Palin said she would add a new tradition this year: a Thanksgiving bucket, into which all guests would be required to deposit their cell phones until dinner was over.
“That doggone phone’s always in my hands, too,” she confessed. “It isn’t good, and that’s not how we were created. Technology is so wonderful, but it can be used for evil or for good. We have to make sure we’re not crossing that line.”
She said her husband Todd was her best teacher on this point because “he despises the cell phone,” and is perhaps even “a little bit harsh, but really good” at reminding his family to “put the damn phone away and get outside and play.”
Palin said her family has been doing great, celebrating the wedding of her daughter Bristol to Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer as a particular highlight. She lauded Meyer as “a very smart young man and politically astute, very impassioned about America,” and “just such a wonderful addition to the family.”
When Marlow asked if Meyer might one day have a political career, she said “he does have a political future if he would choose to do such a thing, he’d be good for the country.” She recommended him for “governor of Kentucky, if not Alaska, because he’s from Kentucky.”
“I tell him all the time, you don’t want to be in the Senate do you? Because unless you have a President you can work with, and team members all around you, reinforcements all around you, you’re going to be beating your head against the wall,” she said. “Because he’s so America First, unless he has colleagues agreeing to that, I think he’d be pulling his hair out.”
As for herself, she wryly noted that “transition meetings are going on in New York, while I’m on the other side of the world,” so the likelihood of an appointment to the Trump Administration seemed minimal.
“It goes without saying that family will be first,” Palin declared. “But then I want to help people like you, Alex, and those who work for outlets that don’t want to be a part of this corporate media that has so adversely affected truth and the things that America stands for. It’s been so bad what this unjust media has done to the country. So for those of you who are working so hard to tell the truth, I will be a part of that somehow.”
“It’s funny that politics and the media, the two most influential aspects of society – also the most controversial aspects of society, I believe – they’ve been in my heart since I was a little girl,” she reflected. “I always wanted to be a sports reporter. I always wanted to do the news. When I was a little kid, I think there was one woman sports reporter at the time, Willow Bay, I’ll never forget her. And I always wanted to do something in politics. That just grows as a passion in me. It’s not diminished at all. So somehow touching both is what I will do.”
At the moment, she still named Facebook as the primary venue for her writing, although she allowed that she doesn’t like “driving traffic to Mark Zuckerberg.”
“I haven’t like that for years, but that’s been the best format for us, for now,” she said. “But I’m working to change that. I don’t like driving that traffic, and the revenue, to Zuckerberg’s people there on Facebook, knowing that that money will go to liberal causes that try to undo everything that we’re doing. So we’re working on getting away from Facebook.”
Having said that, she added “I am a believer in preaching outside of the choir,” and “infiltrating and influencing pop culture.”
“That’s why Todd and I, we haven’t hesitated doing some of the reality-type shows or hits that we’ve done because it’s like, hey, this is another reason why Donald Trump won. People knew him through pop culture,” Palin observed. “Pop culture, as Andrew Breitbart used to say, is downstream from politics. So Donald Trump was able to tap into that … one of the elements of the perfect storm that he is was already his notoriety and his influence on pop culture. That was one of the things that he brought to the table that certainly I recognized early on, and said yep, he’s the one, because he taps into the pop culture thinking.”
“I don’t think any of us should hesitate to be a part of that, if we’re going to do it for good,” she advised her fellow conservatives.
He is only President "elect," but he may have already done more to stop the migration of our job-fair than Mr Wannabee did in eight years !!
Bloomberg reports: President-elect Donald Trump said he’s “making progress” in his
effort to prevent Carrier from moving a factory abroad, an issue that
had become a rallying cry during his campaign.
“Will know soon!” he said Thursday on Twitter, saying he was working even on Thanksgiving to keep the plant in Indiana.
Carrier replied with a tweet of its own, saying it had held discussions with Trump’s team and looked forward to working with the incoming administration. “Nothing to announce at this time,” said the company, which earlier this year said it would eliminate 1,400 jobs by relocating the plant’s manufacturing work to Mexico.
It was the second time in a week that the president-elect asserted that he had intervened to keep a manufacturing plant from leaving the country. Last week he said he helped persuade Ford Motor Co. to keep a plant in Kentucky, though the company said it never intended to close the facility.
“Will know soon!” he said Thursday on Twitter, saying he was working even on Thanksgiving to keep the plant in Indiana.
Carrier replied with a tweet of its own, saying it had held discussions with Trump’s team and looked forward to working with the incoming administration. “Nothing to announce at this time,” said the company, which earlier this year said it would eliminate 1,400 jobs by relocating the plant’s manufacturing work to Mexico.
It was the second time in a week that the president-elect asserted that he had intervened to keep a manufacturing plant from leaving the country. Last week he said he helped persuade Ford Motor Co. to keep a plant in Kentucky, though the company said it never intended to close the facility.
The recount effort is just another shake down for money for the Democrat Campaign funds.
FYI: The recount cannot succeed in disrupting the election without the conversion of all three target states, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. And, Michigan has already been recounted for the sake of state certification. That recount dropped Trump's margin of victory from 13,000 to 10,000 votes. A third recount will not change the outcome. Do not forget, these three states are, in fact, blue states with Wisconsin being the center for originating the idea of our national unions.
READ THE FINE PRINT: There probably won't be a recount and Jill Stein will line her pockets with the money for "integrity efforts" #NoRefund

Can Hillary win on a recount of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan together?
Update: If the election was taken from Trump at this time, Hillary would be "president" of a GOP controlled Congress. There would be no cooperation between the two branches of government, and whatever happens following such a idiotic decision would be anyone's guess.
As you may know by now, Jill, the Shrill, Stein (of German descent) has raised several million dollars to fund a recount of Wisconsin (10 electoral votes), Pennsylvania 20 votes), and Michigan 16).
Stein claims this recount is not on behalf of Hillary's campaign, but of course, we all know better.
The recount has to overturn all three states. If less than all three, only Pennsylvania and Michigan would give us a tie, with the GOP controlled Senate voting to break that tie. Without Pennsylvania, there is no hope for the Hillary people.
So the only path to "victory" here, is to win the three state region and civil war that could follow.
Now you know.
As you may know by now, Jill, the Shrill, Stein (of German descent) has raised several million dollars to fund a recount of Wisconsin (10 electoral votes), Pennsylvania 20 votes), and Michigan 16).
Stein claims this recount is not on behalf of Hillary's campaign, but of course, we all know better.
The recount has to overturn all three states. If less than all three, only Pennsylvania and Michigan would give us a tie, with the GOP controlled Senate voting to break that tie. Without Pennsylvania, there is no hope for the Hillary people.
So the only path to "victory" here, is to win the three state region and civil war that could follow.
Now you know.
Finally. Trump is declared the winner in Michigan
Kathleen Gray / Detroit Free Press:
The numbers are in: Trump wins Michigan by 10,704
— In the closest race for president in Michigan's history, Republican
Donald Trump is hanging on to a 10,704 vote win over Democrat Hillary
Clinton. — The Michigan Secretary of State posted results Wednesday
that were submitted …
Looks like the final electoral count is 232 for the loser, and 306 for the Patriot Nation and Donald Trump.
Update: Jill Stein, Green Party candidate in 2016, has raised 2.2 million dollars in an attempt to recount the votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. hoping for a reversal of the Trump/Clinton outcome. After reading the above headline, the reader will be aware of the fact that the Michigan vote has been recounted and is scheduled to be certified on Monday.
As a reminder, this blog has published FiveThirtyEight's opinion and review of the three state circumstance. Its conclusion: hacking was not a problem in the three state balloting. End of case for the Steirn #NeverTrump cabal.
Conservatives may resume laughing.
Over and out.
Update: Jill Stein, Green Party candidate in 2016, has raised 2.2 million dollars in an attempt to recount the votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. hoping for a reversal of the Trump/Clinton outcome. After reading the above headline, the reader will be aware of the fact that the Michigan vote has been recounted and is scheduled to be certified on Monday.
As a reminder, this blog has published FiveThirtyEight's opinion and review of the three state circumstance. Its conclusion: hacking was not a problem in the three state balloting. End of case for the Steirn #NeverTrump cabal.
Conservatives may resume laughing.
Over and out.
This "news" story shows just how hypocritical, insincere, and sinister the Democrat losers can be. No wonder this party is at its weakest in 150 years . . . . dating back to Reconstruction.
Trump is just starting his third week of cabinet selections, and, already, leading Democrats are trying to create scandal over . . . . . . . nothing.
Of course there will be no such investigation. It appears that their children, the white elitists attending our colleges and universities, are not the only ones who continue to whine and carry on about losing an election they were positive they were going to win.
Democratic lawmakers Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Elijah Cummings requested an investigation into President-elect Donald Trump’s transition effort Wednesday, asking whether the “disarray” in the transition team has “affected his ability to effectively serve the American public.”
Of course there will be no such investigation. It appears that their children, the white elitists attending our colleges and universities, are not the only ones who continue to whine and carry on about losing an election they were positive they were going to win.
Democratic lawmakers Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Elijah Cummings requested an investigation into President-elect Donald Trump’s transition effort Wednesday, asking whether the “disarray” in the transition team has “affected his ability to effectively serve the American public.”
FiveThirtyEight, a Left leaning but solid polling concern, weighs in on the latest Democrat excuse for losing the electiopn: Hacking. "No way" says the polling agency.
From FiveThirtyEight: According to a report
Tuesday in New York Magazine, a group of computer scientists and
election lawyers have approached the Hillary Clinton campaign with
evidence they believe suggests the election might have been hacked to
make it appear that Donald Trump won the Electoral College when Clinton
really did.
The hacking claim appears to be based on concerns about tampering with electronic voting machines. We’ve looked into the claim — or at least, our best guess of what’s being claimed based on what has been reported — and statistically, it doesn’t check out.
There’s no clear evidence that the voting method used in a county — by machine or by paper — had an effect on the vote. Anyone making allegations of a possible massive electoral hack should provide proof, and we can’t find any. But it’s not even clear the group of computer scientists and election lawyers are making these claims. (More on this in a moment.)
The New York article reports that a group that includes voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz and computer scientist J. Alex Halderman presented findings last week about Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to top Clinton campaign officials to try to persuade them to call for a recount. Exactly what those findings were isn’t clear. The New York article includes just one example, a finding that Clinton did worse in counties in Wisconsin that used electronic voting machines instead of paper ballots.1 It’s not clear what data the group was using to call for a recount in Michigan and Pennsylvania, or if it was looking at data at all: It could have chosen those states because they were the ones besides Wisconsin that Trump won with the smallest margins. Bonifaz, Halderman and the Clinton campaign officials mentioned in the article didn’t respond to requests for comment or more detail about the study.
The hacking claim appears to be based on concerns about tampering with electronic voting machines. We’ve looked into the claim — or at least, our best guess of what’s being claimed based on what has been reported — and statistically, it doesn’t check out.
There’s no clear evidence that the voting method used in a county — by machine or by paper — had an effect on the vote. Anyone making allegations of a possible massive electoral hack should provide proof, and we can’t find any. But it’s not even clear the group of computer scientists and election lawyers are making these claims. (More on this in a moment.)
The New York article reports that a group that includes voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz and computer scientist J. Alex Halderman presented findings last week about Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to top Clinton campaign officials to try to persuade them to call for a recount. Exactly what those findings were isn’t clear. The New York article includes just one example, a finding that Clinton did worse in counties in Wisconsin that used electronic voting machines instead of paper ballots.1 It’s not clear what data the group was using to call for a recount in Michigan and Pennsylvania, or if it was looking at data at all: It could have chosen those states because they were the ones besides Wisconsin that Trump won with the smallest margins. Bonifaz, Halderman and the Clinton campaign officials mentioned in the article didn’t respond to requests for comment or more detail about the study.
Are we in the midst of sea change because of Trump? Stephen Moore : " . . . . this is no longer the party of Ronald Reagan."
Editorial note: Me? I am thinking we stopped being the party of Reagan when Herbert Walker Bush was elected. I mean, he is the guy who came up with the phrase "voodoo economics."
From the Hill: Donald Trump’s economic adviser Stephen Moore told a group of top Republicans last week that they now belong to a fundamentally different political party.
From the Hill: Donald Trump’s economic adviser Stephen Moore told a group of top Republicans last week that they now belong to a fundamentally different political party.
Moore surprised some of the Republican lawmakers assembled at their closed-door whip meeting last Tuesday when he told them they should no longer think of themselves as belonging to the conservative party of Ronald Reagan.
They now belong to Trump’s populist working-class party, he said.
A source briefed on the House GOP whip meeting — which Moore attended as a guest of Majority Whip Steve Scalise — said several lawmakers told him they were taken aback by the economist’s comments . . . .
“I think it’s going to take them a little time to process what does this all mean,” the source added of the lawmakers. “The vast majority of them were on the wrong side. They didn’t think this was going to happen.”
Asked about his comments to the GOP lawmakers, Moore told The Hill he was giving them a dose of reality. “Just as Reagan converted the GOP into a conservative party, Trump has converted the GOP into a populist working-class party,” Moore said in an interview Wednesday. “In some ways this will be good for conservatives and in other ways possibly frustrating.”
Trump talking about the prosecution of Hillary. He is ready to move but . . . .
other words, I want to move, but there may be those within my cabinet
or in congress, who want to pursue the matter ~ editor
If I could interject, we had a good conversation there, you and I, and
it was off the record, but there was nothing secret, just wanted to make
sure. The idea of looking forward was one of the themes that you were
saying. That we need to now get past the election, right?
MATTHEW PURDY, deputy managing editor: So you’re definitively taking that (Hillary's prosecution ~ editor) off the table? The investigation?
TRUMP: No, but the question was asked.
PURDY: About the emails and the foundation?
No, no, but it’s just not something that I feel very strongly about. I
feel very strongly about health care. I feel very strongly about an
immigration bill that I think even the people in this room can be happy.
You know, you’ve been talking about immigration bills for 50 years and
nothing’s ever happened . . .
RYAN, senior editor for politics: Do you think it would disappoint your
supporters who seemed very animated by the idea of accountability in
the Clintons? What would you say to them?
TRUMP: I don’t think they will be disappointed. I think I will explain it, that we have to, in many ways save our country.
our country’s really in bad, big trouble. We have a lot of trouble. A
lot of problems. And one of the big problems, I talk about,
divisiveness. I think that a lot of people will appreciate … I’m not
doing it for that reason. I’m doing it because it’s time to go in a
different direction. There was a lot of pain, and I think that the
people that supported me with such enthusiasm, where they will show up
at 1 in the morning to hear a speech . . . . .
BUMILLER, Washington bureau chief: I just wanted to follow up on the
question you were asked about not pursuing any investigations into
Hillary Clinton. Did you mean both the email investigation and the
foundation investigation — you will not pursue either one of those?
Yeah, look, you know we’ll have people that do things but my
inclination would be, for whatever power I have on the matter, is to say
let’s go forward . . . . . .
In other words, I want to move, but there may be those within my cabinet or in congress, who want to pursue the matter ~ editor
NY Times source:
NY Times source:
. Trump talking to the NY Times about climate change . . . .. .
In other words: There may be some connectivity to man, but we are not going to bankrupt businesses and our nation to fight "climate change." ~ editor
FRIEDMAN: But it’s really important to me, and I think to a lot of our readers, to know where you’re going to go with this. I don’t think anyone objects to, you know, doing all forms of energy. But are you going to take America out of the world’s lead of confronting climate change? . . . . . .
TRUMP . . . . . a lot of smart people disagree with you. I have a very open mind. And I’m going to study a lot of the things that happened on it and we’re going to look at it very carefully. But I have an open mind.
Well, since we’re living on an island, sir, I want to thank you for
having an open mind. We saw what these storms are now doing, right?
We’ve seen it personally. Straight up.
FRIEDMAN: But you have an open mind on this?
TRUMP: I do have an open mind. And we’ve had storms always, Arthur.
SULZBERGER: Not like this.
You know the hottest day ever was in 1890-something, 98. You know, you
can make lots of cases for different views. I have a totally open mind.
uncle was for 35 years a professor at M.I.T. He was a great engineer,
scientist. He was a great guy. And he was … a long time ago, he had
feelings — this was a long time ago — he had feelings on this subject.
It’s a very complex subject. I’m not sure anybody is ever going to
really know. I know we have, they say they have science on one side but
then they also have those horrible emails that were sent between the
scientists. Where was that, in Geneva or wherever five years ago?
Terrible. Where they got caught, you know, so you see that and you say,
what’s this all about. I absolutely have an open mind. I will tell you
this: Clean air is vitally important. Clean water, crystal clean water
is vitally important. Safety is vitally important.
JAMES BENNET, editorial page editor: When you say an open mind, you mean
you’re just not sure whether human activity causes climate change? Do
you think human activity is or isn’t connected?
I think right now … well, I think there is some connectivity. There is
some, something. It depends on how much. It also depends on how much
it’s going to cost our companies. You have to understand, our companies
are noncompetitive right now.
really largely noncompetitive. About four weeks ago, I started adding a
certain little sentence into a lot of my speeches, that we’ve lost
70,000 factories since W. Bush. 70,000. When I first looked at the
number, I said: ‘That must be a typo. It can’t be 70, you can’t have
70,000, you wouldn’t think you have 70,000 factories here.’ And it
wasn’t a typo, it’s right. We’ve lost 70,000 factories.
not a competitive nation with other nations anymore. We have to make
ourselves competitive. We’re not competitive for a lot of reasons.
In other words: There may be some connectivity to man, but we are not going to bankrupt businesses and our nation to fight "climate change." ~ editor
In other words: There may be some connectivity to man, but we are not going to bankrupt businesses and our nation to fight "climate change." ~ editor
NY Times source:
Nikki Haley - Ambassador to the U.N. We ask, "Why is our tole in the UN important?
Why should we continue our role in the United Nations?
Two answers:
If the New Administration would have been another Progressive/Globalist regime, there is no good reason for our membership. Our allies would have been left without a muscular friend, and wealth redistribution would have become the overwhelming rule of the day.
Of we have a Trump Administration, Taiwan and Israel would have representation that is forceful and reliable. And, while wealth redistribution would continue, it's influence would not be an overwhelming consideration. Finally, the movement toward a globalism that denies national sovereignty would come to a screeching halt. Barack was laying the foundation for an U.S.A./E.U. membership that stressed international treatise over our Constitution. Both Barack/Michelle, and Hillary believe that international treatise is a legitimate circumvent to our particular rule of law.
Two answers:
If the New Administration would have been another Progressive/Globalist regime, there is no good reason for our membership. Our allies would have been left without a muscular friend, and wealth redistribution would have become the overwhelming rule of the day.
Of we have a Trump Administration, Taiwan and Israel would have representation that is forceful and reliable. And, while wealth redistribution would continue, it's influence would not be an overwhelming consideration. Finally, the movement toward a globalism that denies national sovereignty would come to a screeching halt. Barack was laying the foundation for an U.S.A./E.U. membership that stressed international treatise over our Constitution. Both Barack/Michelle, and Hillary believe that international treatise is a legitimate circumvent to our particular rule of law.
Another Obama Legacy "rule" bites the dust. He couldn't represent the US Constitution and get his fantasies for this country implemented, so he went with his pen and his phone.
rule was already in jeopardy after the election of Donald Trump. Just
as the Obama administration made the change through its rule-making
prerogatives, a Republican administration could undo it ~ excerpt
L.A. TIMES: A Texas judge blocked President Obama's bid to expand overtime pay protections to millions of Americans on Tuesday, thwarting a key presidential priority just days before it was set to take effect.
The Labor Department rule would have doubled the salary level at which hourly workers must be paid extra for overtime pay, from $23,660 to $47,476.
Note: There is no advantage resulting from a rule that prevents job growth and puts small businesses out of existence.
Siding with business groups including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Texas District Judge Amos L. Mazzant III halted it.
The rule, finalized in May, represented the first such change in more than a decade and was hailed at the time as the most consequential action the Obama administration could take for middle-class workers without congressional involvement.
Plaintiffs had argued the Labor Department acted beyond its authority under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
The administration said more than 4 million salaried workers stood to benefit from the change when it took effect Dec. 1.
The rule was already in jeopardy after the election of Donald Trump. Just as the Obama administration made the change through its rule-making prerogatives, a Republican administration could undo it.
L.A. TIMES: A Texas judge blocked President Obama's bid to expand overtime pay protections to millions of Americans on Tuesday, thwarting a key presidential priority just days before it was set to take effect.
The Labor Department rule would have doubled the salary level at which hourly workers must be paid extra for overtime pay, from $23,660 to $47,476.
Note: There is no advantage resulting from a rule that prevents job growth and puts small businesses out of existence.
Siding with business groups including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Texas District Judge Amos L. Mazzant III halted it.
The rule, finalized in May, represented the first such change in more than a decade and was hailed at the time as the most consequential action the Obama administration could take for middle-class workers without congressional involvement.
Plaintiffs had argued the Labor Department acted beyond its authority under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
The administration said more than 4 million salaried workers stood to benefit from the change when it took effect Dec. 1.
The rule was already in jeopardy after the election of Donald Trump. Just as the Obama administration made the change through its rule-making prerogatives, a Republican administration could undo it.
Trump to use executive order (legally) to reduce the size of the federal employment rolls.
According to some reports, within the first
100 days, Trump will freeze hiring in various sectors of
government, and not replace employees who leave. It does not appear that this freeze will include military, and, public health and
safety personnel.
He has also said he will grow the size of the immigration enforcement agency by several thousand.
All this can be done without Congress’s approval through an executive order. Democrats are lining up to resist this move, but it does not appear that they have any power to actually prevent Trump from "reducing the size of government."
Both Reagan and Bill Clinton used this approach to shrink the size of government. In the end, the strategy did not work. but neither of these past presidents were Donald Trump. Will he know how to make this approach work? Only time will tell, but, at least, The Donald is going to try.
He has also said he will grow the size of the immigration enforcement agency by several thousand.
All this can be done without Congress’s approval through an executive order. Democrats are lining up to resist this move, but it does not appear that they have any power to actually prevent Trump from "reducing the size of government."
Both Reagan and Bill Clinton used this approach to shrink the size of government. In the end, the strategy did not work. but neither of these past presidents were Donald Trump. Will he know how to make this approach work? Only time will tell, but, at least, The Donald is going to try.
The Jeff Sessions Justice Department will stop this particular nonsense:
It is being reported this morning, Tuesday, November 22, that the Department of Justice has brought suit against Denver law enforcement for hiring U.S. citizens, only. "Non-citizen discrimination" is what the "violation" is being called. And, it shows just how corrupt the Obama DOJ has become.
A Jeff Sessions Department of Justice will move us away from this type of globalism. Not mentioned is the obvious probability, that the pledge to support and defend the Constitution is no longer required. I mean, is it logical to suppose that non-citizens would pledge to our Constitution? Of course not.
Know that this Muslim Wannabee (that would be Barack and Michelle Obama) policy, if extrapolated to its fullest, would have law enforcement in this country, placed in the hands of foreigners, folks who are not citizens, folks whose pledge of allegiance is to another country.
Trump's victory, indeed, came just in the nick of time.
A Jeff Sessions Department of Justice will move us away from this type of globalism. Not mentioned is the obvious probability, that the pledge to support and defend the Constitution is no longer required. I mean, is it logical to suppose that non-citizens would pledge to our Constitution? Of course not.
Know that this Muslim Wannabee (that would be Barack and Michelle Obama) policy, if extrapolated to its fullest, would have law enforcement in this country, placed in the hands of foreigners, folks who are not citizens, folks whose pledge of allegiance is to another country.
Trump's victory, indeed, came just in the nick of time.
At the top of Presdient Trumps list for his first 100 days, are these six general considerations. Funny, I don't remember Obama giving us his plan.
On trade, I am going to issue our notification of intent to
withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potential disaster for
our country. Instead, we will negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals
that bring jobs and industry back onto American shores.
On energy, I will cancel job-killing restrictions on the production of American energy – including shale energy and clean coal – creating many millions of high-paying jobs. That’s what we want, that’s what we’ve been waiting for.
On regulation, I will formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated, it’s so important.
On national security, I will ask the Department of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to develop a comprehensive plan to protect America’s vital infrastructure from cyber-attacks, and all other form of attacks.
On immigration, I will direct the Department of Labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the American worker.
On ethics reform, as part of our plan to Drain the Swamp, we will impose a five-year ban on executive officials becoming lobbyists after they leave the Administration – and a lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
On energy, I will cancel job-killing restrictions on the production of American energy – including shale energy and clean coal – creating many millions of high-paying jobs. That’s what we want, that’s what we’ve been waiting for.
On regulation, I will formulate a rule which says that for every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated, it’s so important.
On national security, I will ask the Department of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to develop a comprehensive plan to protect America’s vital infrastructure from cyber-attacks, and all other form of attacks.
On immigration, I will direct the Department of Labor to investigate all abuses of visa programs that undercut the American worker.
On ethics reform, as part of our plan to Drain the Swamp, we will impose a five-year ban on executive officials becoming lobbyists after they leave the Administration – and a lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
Here is what passes for "news," today:
News Alert !!! Democrats promise to use the filibuster, a 60 vote majority they oppose when their issues are up for vote in the Senate.
News Alert !!! Democrats promise to be obstructionists until they finally win an election that gives them dominance in Congress.
News Alert !!! Democrats confuse "party values" with American values, and promise to oppose virtually all of President Trump's agenda.
News Alert !!! Democrats believe that Barack's "popularity" as measured by the same polls that told them they were winners, is meaningful.
News Alert !!! Democrats and Establishment politicians in all parties believe that lawyers are better qualified to run this country than CEO's and established businessmen.
News Alert !!! Democrats believe that they actually have leverage enough to stop Trump and his pledge to repair Ameria.
News Alert !!! Democrats believe that Keith Ellerson, an angry black Muslim, is the answer to their need for leadership, and is someone who can identify with middle American and its blue
News Alert !!! Democrats promise to be obstructionists until they finally win an election that gives them dominance in Congress.
News Alert !!! Democrats confuse "party values" with American values, and promise to oppose virtually all of President Trump's agenda.
News Alert !!! Democrats believe that Barack's "popularity" as measured by the same polls that told them they were winners, is meaningful.
News Alert !!! Democrats and Establishment politicians in all parties believe that lawyers are better qualified to run this country than CEO's and established businessmen.
News Alert !!! Democrats believe that they actually have leverage enough to stop Trump and his pledge to repair Ameria.
News Alert !!! Democrats believe that Keith Ellerson, an angry black Muslim, is the answer to their need for leadership, and is someone who can identify with middle American and its blue
Maybe the most meaningless headline of the past year:
There can be no more meaningless headline than this, found in Politico.
Obama says he may take on Trump
Understand that Obama got nothing done, in terms of permanence, in eight years of running his mouth. And now that he has destroyed his political party, he thinks we all care what he does after watching his party being run out of town.
Obama says he may take on Trump
Understand that Obama got nothing done, in terms of permanence, in eight years of running his mouth. And now that he has destroyed his political party, he thinks we all care what he does after watching his party being run out of town.
On Day One, Trump has a national registry established by law. Its not religion specific, OF COURSE, but it is already the law. And there is more.
Christina Coleburn / NBC News:NEW!
Reince Priebus on Muslim Registry: ‘Not Going to Rule Out Anything’
— Priebus on Muslim Registry: ‘Not Going to Rule Out Anything’ 1:51
— Incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday on
NBC's “Meet The Press” that President-elect Donald Trump's team is not
planning . . . . .
Understand that Trump can place immigrants from terrorist regions on a list or registry and he can do this the moment he walks into the Oval Office.
He can suspend any and all EPA requirements established via executive orders, memos, and papers, the day he walks into the Oval Office. And, yes, Barack used all three categories as alternatives for dealing with Congress. Problem: Only legislation is permanent and a full 90% of his so-called "legacy," is embedded in alternative orders.
Churck Schumer vows to fight the appointment of Senator Sessions. His problem? Because of the genius of Harry Reid, the vote count for cabinet appointments was reduced from 60 votes to a simple majority (51). Churck Schumer probably can't stop any of Trump's appointments, again, thanks to Harry Reid.
Much of the border can be secured almost immediately, in view of the fact that border laws are already on the books. Border Patrol and ICE are only waiting for orders from the President to get to work enforcing those laws.
Trump could appoint one of his selections for the Supreme Court at any time. The term would be for a year, but much could be done in that period of time as regards dealing with needed court decisions.
Grant money to sanctuary cities could be cut off immediately. Grant money exists at the will of the President. No legislation needed.
Trump could immediately order the end of federal policies that result in lawsuits against states wanting to enforce federal immigration laws.
Trump could tighten requirements for H-1B visas, including revoking visas that are followed by layoffs of American workers, and other measures.
We are about to see just how lawless was the Obama Administration. The return to law and order spells the end of much of the Obama dream world.
Related article: Byron York at;postID=687582265287876568;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link
Understand that Trump can place immigrants from terrorist regions on a list or registry and he can do this the moment he walks into the Oval Office.
He can suspend any and all EPA requirements established via executive orders, memos, and papers, the day he walks into the Oval Office. And, yes, Barack used all three categories as alternatives for dealing with Congress. Problem: Only legislation is permanent and a full 90% of his so-called "legacy," is embedded in alternative orders.
Churck Schumer vows to fight the appointment of Senator Sessions. His problem? Because of the genius of Harry Reid, the vote count for cabinet appointments was reduced from 60 votes to a simple majority (51). Churck Schumer probably can't stop any of Trump's appointments, again, thanks to Harry Reid.
Much of the border can be secured almost immediately, in view of the fact that border laws are already on the books. Border Patrol and ICE are only waiting for orders from the President to get to work enforcing those laws.
Trump could appoint one of his selections for the Supreme Court at any time. The term would be for a year, but much could be done in that period of time as regards dealing with needed court decisions.
Grant money to sanctuary cities could be cut off immediately. Grant money exists at the will of the President. No legislation needed.
Trump could immediately order the end of federal policies that result in lawsuits against states wanting to enforce federal immigration laws.
Trump could tighten requirements for H-1B visas, including revoking visas that are followed by layoffs of American workers, and other measures.
We are about to see just how lawless was the Obama Administration. The return to law and order spells the end of much of the Obama dream world.
Related article: Byron York at;postID=687582265287876568;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=0;src=link
Apparently no one has told the Progressive Alt-Left that the GOP is the premier political party in the United States of America.
Andrew Jackson founded the Democrat Party, in the period from 1828-1832. Incredibly, this new party was the party of the working class, and came into being as a protest to the corrupt politics of the period. There are so many parallels to the Party of Trump, that it is rather startling.
The Democrat Party, today, is the very type of political cabal the original Democrat party protested. As a new political force, it became dominate in the South where antagonism to Central Control was the dominate political persuasion. In a word, the original Democrat constituency were all "Trumpsters."
In the days of their political strength, the Democrats were plantation owers, the inventors of the KKK and the authors of all Jim Crow law. Oh, I can, also, honestly say, the Democrats are to blame for the Civil War and slavery.
Today, they want to judge Senator Sessions for supposedly calling some black man "boy," 30 years ago, ignoring their own violent
history and pretending there is some sort of moral equivalency between "boy" and "KKK murder." Good grief.
With all the talk, in a desperate attempt to win some sort of headlined battle, the Dems continue to chatter as if they had some kind of political influence. They don't, and, their "president" is about to leave office without a serious legacy . . . . . . . but not before I start laughing again.
The Democrat Party, today, is the very type of political cabal the original Democrat party protested. As a new political force, it became dominate in the South where antagonism to Central Control was the dominate political persuasion. In a word, the original Democrat constituency were all "Trumpsters."
In the days of their political strength, the Democrats were plantation owers, the inventors of the KKK and the authors of all Jim Crow law. Oh, I can, also, honestly say, the Democrats are to blame for the Civil War and slavery.
Today, they want to judge Senator Sessions for supposedly calling some black man "boy," 30 years ago, ignoring their own violent
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Editor |
With all the talk, in a desperate attempt to win some sort of headlined battle, the Dems continue to chatter as if they had some kind of political influence. They don't, and, their "president" is about to leave office without a serious legacy . . . . . . . but not before I start laughing again.
Meet our new Attorney General (bye bye Loretta)
Want to get to know Jeff Sessions? All you need to know is that Senator Sessions was a favorite of President Ronald Reagan, and now, President Trump. Click on the following headline and you will read of the real Senator Sessions, not the Media version of the man:
Mark Hemingway / Weekly Standard:
In Alabama, Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Murderer
Now that Jeff Sessions is Donald Trump's pick for attorney general, you're going to hear a lot of people dig up old accusations that Sessions is a racist. In fact, CNN did so last night. However, between the nature of the accusations and Sessions's actual record of desegregating schools and taking on the Klan in Alabama, it strains credulity to believe that he is a racist . . . . .
Mark Hemingway / Weekly Standard:
In Alabama, Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Murderer
Now that Jeff Sessions is Donald Trump's pick for attorney general, you're going to hear a lot of people dig up old accusations that Sessions is a racist. In fact, CNN did so last night. However, between the nature of the accusations and Sessions's actual record of desegregating schools and taking on the Klan in Alabama, it strains credulity to believe that he is a racist . . . . .
An example of how to destroy a wannabee Marxist pundit:

still, nothing compares to the con job of the last eight years, a
wannabee Muslim and secular existentialist, pretending to being a
Christian, setting the Middle East on fire, making deals with the enemy
(Iran), trying desperately to get in the good graces of Putin (the
Russian resent and tell Putin I will be more flexible), the
comprehensive lie that is ObamaCare, His cowardly desertion of the
Benghazi Four, overseeing the deaths of 31 Navy Seals*, his support for
domestic anarchy and cop killings, and his smart-ass persona. Trump
will not only be an improvement, but he is about to show the democrats
how to actually run a country. 1.3% GPD is about to turn into a 3 and 4
percent roaring economy. A country that has watched itself become the
laughing stock of a world of enemies is about to reclaim its distinct
leadership role in the world - no more with the moron concept of "leading from behind," , and the domestic anarchy that has ruled our
inner cities is about to end. Most profoundly, the Obama legacy (Dodd/Frank and
ObamaCare) is about to be rewritten and/or exterminated. Think about
it, the Progressive Democrat Party is at its weakest, nationwide,
since freaking Reconstruction, 150 years ago !!! And that is the
judgment of your own party members. The GOP is the premier political
party of the United States, and your party, is about to install a
radicalized, angry, black Muslim who worships Louis Farrakhan, as its
*31 US troops, mostly Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan - World news ...
Clearly, it is the Progressives who refuse to accept the new President . . . . including Reid and Obama.
As violence against Donald Trump supporters continues, Sen. Harry Reid
(D-NV) is blaming Donald Trump, while other Democratic leaders, including Barack Hussein Obama along with the
media, remain silent and refuse to condemn the attacks.
Our rule, here at Midknight Review, is this: If you are silent concerning domestic protests and vandelism against our cities, you are complicit with those protests.
It is not enough to express displeasure with vandalism, especially when you are part of national leadership. When you honor men like Louis Farakhan and Al Sharpton, you disgrace your leadership role and support the anti-American challenge to our county. The long, dark years of the Obama revolution is nearing an end.
Good riddance.
Our rule, here at Midknight Review, is this: If you are silent concerning domestic protests and vandelism against our cities, you are complicit with those protests.
It is not enough to express displeasure with vandalism, especially when you are part of national leadership. When you honor men like Louis Farakhan and Al Sharpton, you disgrace your leadership role and support the anti-American challenge to our county. The long, dark years of the Obama revolution is nearing an end.
Good riddance.
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Compare with Clinton's 1.1 MILLLION vote lead.
The con man just bought himself off a fraud charge for $25 million. Art of the Deal. Commit fraud, screw people, avoid conviction with money. That's your man.