Think I am kidding about the Dems and their love affair with Communism? Think again.

All of the Congressional Black Caucus support the Castro Brothers,  as does Barack Obama and his cabal of clowns.  The Dems believe in domestic transformation via open rebellion and violence in the streets.  Their guide for domestic revolution is "Rules for Radicals,"  a handbook for community organizing that is still in print,  today,  because of its continued popularity within the Elitist Class.  It was first published in 1971. 


  1. Says the guy whose candidate has praised Putin, has many business dealings in Russia and who urged Russia to hack the DNC and quite possibly the election.


  2. Says the blind follower of the man who promised Putin that he would be more flexible after the 2012 elections and worked, ineptly, for a Russian reset. Says the puppet follower of the man who took down the missile defense systems promised to the Czech Republic and Poland simply because Russia did not approve of those systems.

    You people are a joke. No wonder you are no longer the "party of the people."

  3. Putin has just outsmarted America, thanks to dumbasses who couldn't see it coming. He knows how to bait a narcissist.

    1. There is no proof of Russia's interference in our election. That story was made up by the same people who said, "Romney never paid taxes for 10 years, " or, told us "You can keep your doctor, period, " or fell asleep 7 hours before the Benghazi Four were murdered, not knowing that their cowardly "commander" had to get his sleep before campaigning in Las Vegas the next day.
