When haters take to the streets to complain about their perception of the world, they forfiet their right, in practical terms, to be taken seriously.

Colin Campbell / Raleigh News & Observer: Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people,’ NC Congressman Robert Pittenger says

Editor's note:  Whether literally true or not,  this is the question the alt-left has to deal with.  And this perception (see the headline) is working against the Dems in this election cycle.  Understand that these "demonstrations" are viewed as nothing more than opportunities to party and loot,  by the nation's on-lookers.  We all know that looters never represent the majority of those in the "demonstration."  But,  most viewers, also, see looters as those who dominate the news cycle and commanderie the purpose(s) of the demonstration.  The take-away perception for most angry black street gatherings is this:  they are nothing more than opportunities for mayhem.  I am not convinced that the demonstrators understand just how devastating this perception is to what they (the demonstrators) are trying to protest.  In the end,  we tacitly know that angry black demonstrations accomplish next to nothing,  whether they occur on the streets,  or on the sidelines of our football games.  Unless and until the black community begins to effectively deal with the issues affecting them,  we will see no more change than witnessed over the past four decades.  
Related article:  Rioting May Tip Presidential Scales in Crucial North Carolina 

1 comment:

  1. Easy for you say. Without events such as Charlotte or Baltimore, there is no avenue for grievance. Why? Because no one is listening. Guaranteed, folks are listening now. Your brand of racism is the most dangerous, because it SEEMS reasonable.
