Weekly Standard: Jorge Castañeda, who served as Mexico’s secretary of
foreign affairs from 2000 to 2003, and who is currently a professor at
New York University, appeared at the Hudson Institute in Washington on
Wednesday . . . . .
Castañeda is certainly no fan of Donald Trump—he said that the
property magnate’s ascension to the U.S. presidency would be a
“tragedy.” Yet he also said that Donald Trump could quite easily “make
Mexico pay” for a border wall—a claim that has been widely ridiculed by
our betters in the media.
Editor's note: When the folks who believe that a man can simply say he is a woman, and, presto, he really? is a woman, argue for one catastrophic end to mankind after another, all without serious proof, when those same people laugh at the claim that Mexico will pay for the wall, well, mental illness can be the only prognosis . . . . . that is, if they are being honest in their arguments and claims. So it comes down to this: is the Marxist cabal sick or dishonest, and, most importantly, what difference does it really make, politically?
At any rate, the take-away, here, is this: opposition politicians understand that the continuing generosity of the United States to Mexico, presents a certain path to the realization of the Trump promise that "Mexico will pay for the wall, believe me."
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