Two of many factors that spell trouble for Hillary:

(1) ........Gallup calculates the actual unemployment rate is 9.7 percent—double the US government’s officially posted unemployment rate.  (2)  ........  Couple this number with the Pew  finding that 62 percent of Americans think that the economic system “unfairly favors powerful interests.”

Hillary is part of the current Administration.  These numbers belong to her as much as to the nothing-nothing, Barack Obama, because she is on record praising Barack's domestic policies when they come to employment and national direction.  


  1. Obama approval: +5 RCP avg 51%
    Bush approval

  2. And what does this prove? Not a stinking thing. In terms of domestic and international accomplishments, the American population does not agree. That is why 65% of the nation thinks he has taken the taken on the wrong path. Sure, they like him, but they do not agree with his autocratic bull.
