I'm sorry but she looks like she was out, standing and waiting for her van. Very concerning video.


  1. It just makes the lie that she is in good health all the more obvious.

  2. Clearly she was carried from the fence to the van. If she was awake, she had lost her motor skills for a few moments.

  3. How does this compare with GHW Bush who passed out at a diplomatic dinner after puking on a Japanese diplomat? Or Ronald Reagan who served while suffering from Alzheimers?

    The flu? lol

  4. Alzheimer? What a crap comment. We were all there, at least us old boomers. Reagan was just fine to the end of his time as president. Bush choking versus Hillary with long term pneumonia? You think the two are equivalent event? Good grief. And what if she has a coughing spell during any of the coming debates? Not good for the crook.
