Was Melania's speech borrowed, in part, from Michelle Obama? Here is my "defense."

The question that matters is this:  did the spoken words reflect the truth about Melania's life and opinion's regarding her husband.  

Unless Michelle was raised by atheists,  developed a love affair for the prophet Mohammad,  was borne of a family that hated America and saw it as a creation of slave traders,  there is no similarity between the heart and soul of the two women and their message(s). 

In other words,  I simple do not care.   Besides,  we are talking about one or two short paragraphs.  The comprehensive nature of lies told to explain ObamaCare, the Iranian deal, and what he has not done at our borders,  are much more the issue than the heart-felt speech of Melania's,  controversy or not.  

Besides,  and mark my words,  before the morning is over,  "they" will find a speech where Barack stole words from others.   

Update:  Michelle Obama Copied Alinsky in Speech Melania Trump Allegedly Plagiarized  . . . . . .     I told you so. 


  1. There is no university in America that would not call this plagiarism.

    In one passage, 22 out of 26 words were identical. One passage had 29 words identical with 6 changed slightly.

    Pure plagiarism. Michelle Obama is an accomplished and intelligent woman, Melania Trump is a trophy wife, nude model. Imitation the sincerest form of flattery.

    Game over.

    1. Melania did not write the speech, she only made the speech her own. Obama has plagiarized the whole idea of national transformation from the E.U. In fact, he has not had an original idea since becoming president. Did he plagiarize any of his classroom lectures or written papers? We will never know, because he has sealed all that information. Case closed.
