Now it begins: The first leak in the Hillary Dam Emial Backlog.

Editor's notes:  Imagine the Hillary Email scandal as a reservoir of emails held back by a dam of secrecy,  built on the back of broken laws,  greed, and a life lived in open rebellion to binding law.  Her Iraqi emails are of little concern to me as an editor,  but this "leak" may be first of many   . . . . . .  eventually to include Benghazi and her dealings with the Clinton Foundation.  Understand  that more than these specifics,  the coming leaks will produce documents that prove what we already know,  and, add a populace sense of condemnation to her criminal abuse of thousands of FOIA requests,  destroyed State Department appointment calendars, and hundreds of thousands of deleted State Department emails.

From The Hills:   WikiLeaks on Monday published more than 1,000 emails from Hillary Clinton's private server during her time as secretary of State about the Iraq War.

The website tweeted a link to 1,258 emails that Clinton, now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee sent and received. They stem from a trove of emails released by State Department in February.

WikiLeaks combed through the emails to find all the messages that reference the Iraq War.

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