Maybe Obama is not such a great friend to the Gay community, after all.

 <<<   "How can we know what's in a man's heart"    . . . . . .   except when that man pledges allegiance to the evil he intends to do. 

The cowardly Muslim in Orlando called 9/11 WHILE in the act of shooting more than 100 people and pledged allegiance to Allah and ISIS.  

ISIS,  itself,  took credit for the murders. 

The man had gone to Afghanistan and met with terror leaders on at least two occasions and his computer is full of radicalized hate speech.  

In spite of all this,  Barack Hussein pretends that we do not know the killers reasons and allegiances. 

Is there any more evidence that Barack has no clue as to how evil works or what to do next?  I mean,  he once told the American people that ISIS did not pose an existential threat to this country,  thinking,  perhaps,  that "existential" means "apocalyptic" in a final sense of that word.  Worse yet,  he is on record arguing that we can "absorb" such tragedies    . . . . . . .     after all,  we are 330 million strong.  The loss of 50 people is a mere fraction of our population.  

I have said it from the beginning,  "Before he gets out of office,  he is going to get us all killed."   

What you are watching, politically, is the demonstrable failure of Flower Power.  


  1. A little refresher on American values: "This is a country founded on basic freedoms, including freedom of religion. We don't have religious tests here. Our Founders, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights are clear about that. And if we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we are trying to protect -- the pluralism and the openness, our rule of law, our civil liberties -- the very things that make this country great; the very things that make us exceptional. And then the terrorists would have won. And we cannot let that happen. I will not let that happen." - B. Obama

  2. Obama believes nothing of which he speaks. He does not believe in the rule of law or he would obey the several subpoenas he has received, not use his presidency to waaponize federal agencies to work against some 360 501c3 conservative groups, he would not have run guns into Mexico under the Fast and furious campaign. He would not support sanctuary cities. or al;low for open borders. He does not believe that the US is exceptional. He believes the Constitution is a white slave traders document, that traditional Christianity is a white man's invention . . . . so go to hell on this "Obama is a law and order kind of guy."

  3. The end is beginning. The most recent poll from Bloomberg has Hillary up +12 points over Trump, 63% of women and 55% of all voters say they will NEVER vote for Trump. Both TN Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker have withdrawn support of Trump. Lamar said, "We don't have a nominee." Corker said of Trump's recent speech, "wasn't the type of speech one would expect from a presidential candidate." Washington Post Poll: Trump - 70% unfavorable, highest ever. Senator Lindsey Graham for calling on Republican leaders to rescind their endorsements of Donald Trump. r Republican Meg Whitman compared Donald Trump to Hitler and Mussolini. Trump has recently barred reporters from his rallies because he doesn't like them reporting what he says. People are running away from Trump like rats fleeing a burning ship... just weeks before the GOP convention.

    Game OVER.

    1. Every election year, the same old same old crap. Want to be that Hillary will not win the election by 12 points ????
