With Democrats, it is one excuse after another.

New York Times:
Republicans and Voter Suppression  —  It's become an accepted truth of modern politics that Republican electoral prospects go up as the number of voters goes down.  Conservatives have known this for a long time, which helps explain their intensifying efforts to make it harder to vote … 
Editor's notes: When they say "Republican electoral prospects go up as the number of voters goes down," they are only talking about their voting contingency.  This was their excuse for the landslide victories in 2010 and 2014:  "We lost because these elections produced the lowest turnouts in history."  Again,  the truth is found in the fact that they lost those elections because of low Democrat turnout.  It is that simple.  
The conservative nation had enough people walk away from the 2008 and 2012 presidential election to win those elections.  The Democrat excuse also works for the GOP,  but such is seldom used as the excuse it is for the Dems.  
The truth of the matter is this:  it is always about turnout  . . . .   period,  Democrat mythology aside.  

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