July 10, 2014
Editor's notes: This is an article that was written a year and a half ago. It assumes all these decisions were/are illegitament. Understand that if corporations have the same political powers, protections and rights as individuals, we, the totalitarian populace forces swimming in the pool that Karl Marx created, cannot dominate the political/free population with money from the Major Media, Big Labor, the teacher unions, many of the police unions, all of the rich environmental movement, and any number of radical Leftist groups. The following decisions do nothing but level the political playing field, but the Left will disagree. I have published this article as it was written, without my edits or footnotes. I agree with most of these decisions while understanding that the bane of capitalism is greed and associated criminal activity. But I see the alternative as far worse a threat. We must never allow the existence of greed to influence us away from a representative democracy. The alternative to that is what Obama has practiced for years, a form of authoritarian rule that ignores the will of the people, our Constitutional process, and, punishes job creators (the rich AND so-called rich)
Last week's Hobby Lobby ruling charted new legal territory by granting corporations the same religious rights as real people. The rationale behind the decision—that expanding constitutional rights to businesses is necessary to "protect the rights of people associated with the corporation"—is far from novel. A line of Supreme Court rulings stretching back 200 years has blurred the distinction between flesh-and-blood citizens and the businesses they own, laying the groundwork for Hobby Lobby and the equally contentious Citizens United ruling. Here's a timeline of the corporation's human evolution:
1809 (Bank of the United States v. Deveaux): In
the early days of the republic, when state and federal courts were
still working out their jurisdictions, the Bank of the United States—a
precursor to the US Treasury—sued a Georgia tax collector named
Peter Deveaux for property he had seized when the bank failed to pay
state taxes. Deveaux argued that, because corporations weren't people,
they couldn't sue in federal court. Chief Justice John Marshall agreed.
This meant businesses could only sue or be sued in federal court if all
the shareholders, and at least one member of the opposing party, lived
in the same state. According to Burt Neuborne, a corporate law professor
at New York University, Wall Street banks hated this decision because
it restricted suits to state courts where judges were partial to the
banks' local clients—typically Midwestern farmers.
1844 (Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Railroad v. Letson): It soon became apparent that Marshall's decision in Bank of the United States was unworkable because it put corporations outside the reach of the federal courts. Thirty-five years later, after hearing the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Charleston Railroad case, the
Supreme Court shifted course, ruling that corporations were "citizens"
of the states where they incorporated. Still, it was difficult for a
corporation to sue or be sued in federal court unless all its
shareholders lived in the same state.
1853 (Marshall v. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad): The Supreme Court later upheld the
notion that corporations were citizens, but only for the purposes of
court jurisdiction; they did not have the same constitutional rights as
actual people. The court also ruled that, for litigation purposes,
shareholders would be considered citizens of their company's home state.
This made it easier for corporations to sue or be sued in federal court
by eliminating jurisdictional conflicts.
1886 (County of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad): Now
that corporations were legally citizens, corporate attorneys worked to
expand their rights. When California officials levied a special tax on
the Southern Pacific Railroad, the railroad sued, arguing that singling
out the company violated its rights to equal protection under the 14th
Amendment, which was intended to protect freed slaves. In a strange
twist, the court reporter—a former railroad man—wrote in the published
notes on the case that the 14th Amendment did, in fact, apply to the
company. Even though this notion appeared nowhere in the high court's
actual ruling, 11 years later the court declared it was "well settled" that "corporations are persons within the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment," citing Santa Clara.
1898 (Smyth v. Ames): Building on the Santa Clara decision,
the court voided a Nebraska railroad tax, ruling that it was akin to
the government taking a corporation's property without due process—a
violation of its 14th Amendment rights. (The decision was overturned in
the 1944 Federal Power Commission v. Hope Natural Gas decision.)
1906 (Hale v. Henkel): Having
blocked unlawful seizures of corporate property, the court went on to
shield companies from other kinds of intrusion. Writing for the
majority, Justice Henry Billings Brown found that corporations, like
people, are protected from unreasonable searches and seizures under the
Fourth Amendment (although the Fifth Amendment protection
against self-incrimination did not apply).
1931 (Russian Volunteer Fleet v. United States): A
Russian shipbuilder, Russian Volunteer Fleet, sued the US government,
claiming that government officials had unlawfully seized property worth
more than $4 million. The high court sided with the company, ruling that
even foreign corporations are protected from unlawful government
seizures under the Fifth Amendment, which ensures fair treatment by the
legal system.
1977 (United States v. Martin Linen Supply Co.): After
a criminal trial for two linen companies and their owner was dismissed
due to jury deadlock, federal prosecutors appealed the decision. The
Supreme Court ruled that a second trial violated the companies' rights
to be tried only once, expanding the double jeopardy rule to include
both humans and corporations.
2010 (Citizens United v. FEC): In
the run up to the 2008 election, the Federal Elections Commission
blocked the conservative nonprofit Citizens United from airing a film
about Hillary Clinton based on a law barring companies from using their
funds for "electioneering communications" within 30 days of a primary or
60 days of a general election. The organization sued, arguing that,
because people's campaign donations are a protected form of speech (see Buckley v. Valeo) and
corporations and people enjoy the same legal rights, the government
can't limit a corporation's independent political donations. The Supreme
Court agreed. The Citizens United ruling may be the most sweeping expansion of corporate personhood to date.
2014 (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby): Corporations
are legally people with the right to free speech, but do they have
religious rights? Apparently, they do. In 2012, Hobby Lobby, an
Oklahoma-based craft store chain, sued the federal government, arguing
that a provision in the Affordable Care Act requiring it to provide
contraception coverage for employees violated shareholders'
constitutional rights to freedom of religion. The Supreme Court sided
with Hobby Lobby and found that corporations can assert the religious
rights of their owners, greatly expanding the power of shareholders
while creating a world of confusion for corporate attorneys.
The Future: If
a corporation has First Amendment rights, could it also claim Second
Amendment protections? Amazingly, this is a question some scholars are
seriously pondering. As Darrell A.H. Miller wrote in his 2011 article
"Guns, Inc." in the NYU Law Review, "If Citizens United is
taken seriously, the Second Amendment, like the First Amendment and
like many other provisions of the Bill of Rights, guarantees liberties
to natural and corporate persons alike." Bang!
This is how your trickle down capitalism works:
Too bad there is no alternative to trickle down. Its either trickle down from the private sector or from the government. ITS ALL TRICKLE DOWN. And the difference? Only party leadership gets rich when the government controls and runs business. In the private sector, the opportunity for financial success is huge.