Sanders took in $20 million in donations; Hillary took in $15 million . . . all of this in Janruary.

Editor's notes:  Understand Hillary has had to attend a significant number of fund raisers, but,  more than this,  many of her donors have given the max for the year and are not available for future funding.  Sanders,  to the contrary,  does not spend time raising money.  Almost all of it comes in via the Internet,  averaging  $27.50 per donation,  and,  when he needs more money, he can go to those same people and ask for more.  Hillary is limited in that luxury.


  1. Sooner or later, Sanders will run out of kids willing to send him money.

  2. It is a right wing lie that Hillary has moved to the Left of Bernie. Simply not true, and you should know this if you followed the debates. Your partisan allegiance prevents you from any objective analysis of the soon to be First Lady aka President.
