In the final presser, Friday, conducted by the FBI, the agent made it clear that there was no confrontation between the radical involved in the killings and a member in the room. We know that the couple had committed to ISIS, surrendered their infant daughter to his grandmother, had constructed 12 pipe bombs, but left them in the house, perhaps planning on using them in a second attack. For the Time to label this a "rampage" implies that the Times knows better than the FBI or the local authorities in charge of the investigation. Most of us knew this massacre had Islamic terror ties when it was made know that a Joint Terror Task Force unit had been sent to San Bernardino. It has been clear, for decades, that the NY Times is the author of Progressive/Marxist talking points. You can depend on this fact: tomorrow, you will hear people describe this terror event as sad "rampage" and nothing more. What it is, in truth, is a huge embarrassment for the Hussein Administration; a direct contradiction to Obamna's mindless denials and a clear declaration that Islamic/International terror is here, in our homeland.
There has never been a president that poses as much a threat to this nation's sovereignty and security than Hussien Obama, his wife and his Iranian born, personal adviser (since before he and Michelle were married), that Barack H Obama. Part of the reason this fact is the support he gets from the likes of the Marxists at the NY Times.
The good news is this: few will believe this event is best described as a "rampage." Most who follow the news, knew it was Islamic terror after the end of the third, following the event.
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