Kerry about the recent climate agreement:

Asked about the lack of legally binding mechanisms in the deal to make sure countries meet their carbon emissions targets, Kerry said the marketplace would do what governments could not.
"The result will be a very clear signal to the marketplace of the world, that people are moving into low-carbon, no-carbon, alternative, renewable energy, and I think it’s going to create millions of jobs, enormous investments into R&D, and that R&D is going to create the solutions, not government," Kerry said on ABC's "This Week." 

Editor's notes:  There will be no jobs because of the recent climate agreement   . . .    none.  Remember Pelosi telling us that ObamaCare would give us 400,000 jobs almost immediately??   Since there is no timeline, and, the third world is not on board, and,  China/India won't start their carbon saving program for 30 freaking years   . . . . .   well,  this is just code for,  "We got nothing done."  

Look how this bunch of nitwits think:  They had a climate summit where no treatises were signed,  and it was a roaring success.   And,  before this,  they worked an agreement with Iran where nothing was put on paper and signed,  and THAT was a wild success.  

Question:  Why not avoid the meetings,  altogether,  and just tell us "We have an agreement, an esoteric document that the common man can understand   . . . . .    and we avoided the expense of travel and conference demands   . . . . . .   it was free  !!!!!" 

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