Poll: Jeb Falls to 4%
— The latest Pew poll shows that Jeb Bush has fallen to 4 percent in
the Republican field. Donald Trump leads the field with 25 percent; Ben
Carson is at 16 percent. — Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio are tied for
third at 8 percent of the Republican field.
Editor's notes: Understand that the Bush family, in terms of their politic, is a Big Government collective. That is different from a Progressive collective, but only in terms of the respect the Establishment has for the Constitution. They play by the rules, more or less. Clearly, the Progressives of today, do not.
But, in the end, Jeb is a Big Government type, regardless of his rhetoric. Proof? For one thing, several months ago, I heard Jeb answer this question "Which federal programs will you take down?" with this statement, "I would not take down any federal agency."
Sorry, but that is the wrong answer for me. Understand that his father and his brother believed in the "Affordable Housing" agenda of the Progressive Leftists, and got legislative approval for the RU 486 abortion pill.
I am tired of their particular brand of duplicity. It is all "politics," of course, but it is time for a leader who will actually make a conservative difference, if, in fact, he or she does not fully agree with the Right. Bush is paying the price for the "same ol same ol" programmed agenda of his father and brother. While he is his own man, he shares the philosophy of his family. Nothing evil about that, but it really is time for a change. And, his polling numbers show that I am not alone in this thinking.
great... you gotta big mouth anti women bigot leading the pack, and a creationist black man in second. Good luck with that.
ReplyDeletesorry, no chance
Game over