Hillary's server WAS hacked, and her emails are up for sale !!! If a hacker has these emails, why not our enemies? Oh, I forgot, the US has no enemies, per Obama.

 . . . . .    RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned a person claiming to be a computer specialist has come forward with the stunning news that 32,000 emails from HillaryClinton‘s private email account are up for sale. The price tag — a whopping $500,000!
Promising to give the trove of the former Secretary of State’s emails to the highest bidder, the specialist is showing subject lines as proof of what appear to be legitimate messages.
“Hillary or someone from her camp erased the outbox containing her emails, but forgot to erase the emails that were in her sent box,” an insider reveals to Radar of the Presidential contender’s latest nightmare.
Radar has learned that some of the topics discussed in the email appear to include everything from Benghazi to the Algerian hostage crisis — with subject lines such as:
. . . . . .    “If these emails get out to the public domain, not only is Hillary finished as a potential Presidential nominee, she could put our country’s national security at risk.”