Now this bunch of geniuses thinks 500 million for 4 trained soldiers and a 100 in the pipeline is progress.

Editor's notes:  The problem with the current crop of Progressives is this:  they are no good with numbers.  Take Obama: he can't write a cogent budget proposal.  He tried it five times,  got 2 "yes" votes and a 1016 "no" for four of his "proposals.  The fifth was rejected by the CBO,  the budget office telling Obama,  "We do not score speeches."  When on the campaign trail in 2008,  he bragged about how many states he had visited,  "57 or is it 58,  and we didn't go to two states."  Let's see,  I believe that adds up to 60 states.  The man speaks at an 8th grade level,  and has no clue how to pronouince "corps" as in "Marine Corps."  His pronunciation is for "corpse,"  which is a dead body   . . . . .   not appropriate when addressing the Marine Corpse Corps.  That he is smarter than Sarah Palin is laughable   . . .    and now,  his people think,  two years into fighting the JV team in Iraq,  that spending hundreds of millions of dollars and training 4 fighters with "100 in the pipeline" is progress.  
Its not that he is black.  My problem with this clown is that he is stupid.  

Obama budget defeated 99-0 in Senate - Washington Times

414-0 | Poor Richard's News

H Obama, a man with absolutely no financial background ...

State of the Union registers at 8th grade reading level - Politico   -  57 or 58 plus Alaska and Hawaii.

National Review -- The news that the Obama administration has spent $500 million to put “four or five” fighters on the ground in Syria adds an almost comic irony to what is ultimately a tragic farce. In the 1980s, the symbol of Republican incompetence and mismanagement was the $600 toilet seat. Left out of the media coverage was the fact that the toilet seat was for a special kind of anti-submarine aircraft that had been out of production and needed special retrofitting. But forget all that. How does that compare to spending $100 million per non-bionic human soldier? This news comes from General Lloyd J. Austin III, head of U.S. Central Command, or CENTCOM. Ever the loyal soldier, Austin insists that we should stay the course. It’s not really a tenth of a billion dollars for each rebel, we’ve got another hundred “in the pipeline,” he told Congress Wednesday. No doubt that will turn the tide. Besides, he says, the larger strategy in Syria is working. Specifically, he offered this word salad: “Despite some slow movement at the tactical level, we continue to make progress across the battlespace in support of the broader U.S. government strategy to degrade and ultimately defeat [the Islamic State].”