Understand that this young man, expelled for three days because he brought a home built radio to school that resembled a bomb, is about to have an audience with the Islamic Supporter currently occupying our White House.
Racism and Islamaphobia are words we will hear for a week or two. Truth is, Central Planning has told Americans to be on the look out for potential problems, guns and explosives. So the English teacher was trying to do the right thing.
Never mind that she is probably a Democrat. Never mind that the kid refused to tell authorities, at first, what his little creation actually was. Never mind that he and his family are Muslim. Never mind the fact that his father is a Muslim activist . . . . . a radical supporter of Islam.
No harm, no foul, I say. We are the safer because folks are watchful and cautious. And, how can someone argue that the young man was profiled when, in fact, he is a Muslim and was uncooperative for a period of time?
Aren't we all getting tired of folks making mountains out of mole hills ?
I argue that caution and safety come before any other consideration(s) . . . . . . . . period. P.C. be damned.