“The people of Israel will be safer with this deal, and the same is true for the people throughout the region.” So says Kerry as he parrots the Obama position.
The arrogance of the two men is astounding. They know better and understand more clearly, the Isreali circumstance and the realities of Middle Eastern nations, than the leadership in the Middle East.
Do you know that all Mid-East countries opposed this deal?
How does this work? Six nations [P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council— China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States,—plus Germany ] none of them Arab, none are of the Mid-East complex, make a deal with the Iranian tyannts, and do so on behalf of the Middle East which opposes the deal. And these morons claim they hate capitalism.
You do know, its all about the money.
And to think that Kerry said, today, "Because of the agreement, Iran will never get a bomb, period." He said that, " . . . . . period."
And we could keep our doctors, period; and our hospitals, period; and our insurance plans, period, and Dodd/Frank would help the middle class, period; and Obama knows best, period.