Most if not all of the cops and white folks being targeted by punks such as this, are actually innocent of any wrong doing. And innocent people never expect to be tried, convicted and executed for unnamed crimes. The thug in this video admits that "we cannot win . . . . we are outnumbered." But here is what he does not know: when you introduce fear into the equation, when you warn whites that they are going to be killed for no good reason, you bring wrath and anger and retaliation on yourself . . . . . . and the war never ends. Very sad that this moron thinks his intentions are some sort of solution. It is a statistical fact that 99.4% of all arrests are made without serious violence. More than this, thugs claim a black youth is killed every 28 hours . . . or close to 360 black deaths at the hands of the police each year, almost all of which are gang members. Understand that this is no more than two black deaths per year in each of our nation's major cities.