Some of the best video's on the Tube, are produced by the NRA. Intelligent and thoughtful, the NRA represents the best of patriotic America. Members are all legal gun owners; not a one is a gangbanger, or, has been charged in any sort of mass shooting. When you consider that the NRA has 5 million registered members, complete with a cadre of friends and family, you are looking at a voting block of 50 million or more . . . . . . most of which come alive at the polls, when the NRA is blamed for the gun violence of our time. This video announces an NRA program that you might be interested in,
(Understand that when the Left quotes numbers in an effort to frame the "disaster of American gun violence," they include all casualties via our gang population and suicides. Of the 33,000 gun deaths per year, a whopping 60% are suicides, 2,400 are accidental deaths, and 74% of the remaining are gang related or shootings during the committal of a felony. In other words, there is no gun problem if we look to the general, law abiding population, certainly, nothing similar to what the Left wants you to believe).
(Understand that when the Left quotes numbers in an effort to frame the "disaster of American gun violence," they include all casualties via our gang population and suicides. Of the 33,000 gun deaths per year, a whopping 60% are suicides, 2,400 are accidental deaths, and 74% of the remaining are gang related or shootings during the committal of a felony. In other words, there is no gun problem if we look to the general, law abiding population, certainly, nothing similar to what the Left wants you to believe).