Since I am a pundit and not a candidate, I get to say what I want to say.
As to Obama being a Muslim, my only comment is this: If Obama is not a Muslim, I would like to know what is the difference in the life of Obama. I mean, Obama is clearly antisemitic. He is doing everything in his power to aid and support Iran. He will not take out Assad. He condones CAIR, and has had the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House. There is reason to believe that he may have advisers from that terrorist group. and, like a good Muslim would do, before speaking at Georgetown in 2009, he ordered the symbolic name of "Jesus"covered over (see the news story, here). I submit that no Christian would have ever made such an order. Is he a Muslim? Actually, I believe the answer is this: he is not a religious man.
Bill Maher believes Obama is a humanistic/atheist, and, I guardedly agree.
Understand that Obama is the first president to declare "This nation is not a Christian nation." He is the first president to war against the Christian's right to declare conscientious objection to abortion. He tried to force a Lutheran School to hire an unbeliever into his teaching staff, but was defeated by the Supreme Court. (See the account of this here.)
So, all this nonsense about Obama being Christian is without merit since he does not function as if he was dedicated to the Christian church.