Guaranteed: You did not see this sort of objective reporting in dealing with B Obama. Hillary is clearly not getting the special treatment she may have imagined.

Point of Post:  To illustrate the fact that Hillary is not the darling of the media that Obama is.  Apparently not enough room at the top of the Progressive Hero's Pyramid for more than one.  After Obama,  Bill and Hillary are truly "also rans."  

Clinton's recently announced $2 million ad buy, for example, will likely do little to convince voters she has a soft, authentic side, MSNBC talking heads suggested Monday.

 Bloomberg News' Mark Halperin added, "In the short-term, the echo chamber matters a lot. There's no one inside the echo chamber who looks at these two new ads and goes wow, that's awesome, that's awe-inspiring."

"It feels a lot of the time like she knows she's up by 40 points," MSNBC contributor Willie Geist added. "[The approach seems to be] don't say anything to mess with that, don't answer a question directly because you don't have to, you can kind of obfuscate about things and be vague. I think that catches up with you eventually."

"Hillary Clinton has the negative numbers when it comes to being viewed as trustworthy," CNN's Nia-Malika Henderson remarked, noting a problem that has long dogged the Democratic presidential candidate. "She's had problems with her campaign generating that enthusiasm and a sense of connection."

"If you look at the internal poll numbers, they say people don't think that Hillary Clinton represents or relates to people like them," she added, suggesting that Clinton's multi-million dollar ad buy will likely do little to create a connection with voters.

Whispers that Biden will make a go of it in 2016 may have informed Team Clinton's decision to roll out her $2 million ad campaign well ahead of schedule, the Huffington Post's Sam Stein said Monday, adding that the early buy suggests her campaign may be genuinely "spooked."

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