Before 1988, the Liberal Media owned the world. Today? Not so much.

David Muir CBS  . . . . . . .     Lester Holt  NBC . . . . . .    Scott Pell3y  ABC

• Total Viewers: 7,827,000 7,573,000 6,103,000
• A25-54: 1,927,000 1,809,000 1,402,000

Note:  You have a total of 20 million watching Network News versus 9 million watching Fox News Primetime (4 hours) 

While this seems embarrassingly one sided,  keep in mind that Fox News and Fox Business News has a 24 hour combined total more than 30 million viewers compared to a similar total for Network(s) when you include their morning shows.  

In addition to this balance (FoxNews Network versus all the others),  add in conservative national programming  (Limbaugh,  Hannity, Beck, Michael Medved,  Huge Hewitt, and 20/30 other local conservative programs) and the conservative blog sphere versus the large print/digital liberal media,  and you have an argument, again,  for media parody on a larger scale.  

"Parody" is not the story,  however.  Rather,  it is the fact that before 1988,  there was zero parody   . . . .    the media camp was virtually all about the evolving liberal-to-One-World media with no offset as far as opposition speech was concerned.  

I mention "1988" because that was the year Limbaugh first began broadcasting  . . . . . .   on the tail end of Reagan's impressive presidency.  Limbaugh proved that there was a market for conservative opinion.  Who knew?   And out of the Limbaugh experiment,  came all the rest   . . . . . .   Fox News, the Tea Party Movement 11 after Rush's first program, and the large conservative media industry.  As a point in time,  Limbaugh1988 is the beginning of "equal time" for the Conservative/patriotic world. 

In the end,  this parody reflects the national partisan reality as well (I am talking about America's voting population)  . . . .   a media reality that is only 27 years old.  We are all having to learn how to deal with "equal time,"  an accomplished demand on the part of Conservatives and the "new reality"  (talking about conservative media) libs are being forced to accept. 

Again,  "parody" is not the story.  Rather,  the point of this post is the remarkable turn-around that is the Conservative Media World and its quest for equal time,  in a world controlled by those who do not want free speech and the "equal time" that is the opportunity coming from the First Amendment.  

Did this turn-around come too late in the national history of politics?  The coming presidential election will give us an answer.  


  1. The unprofessionalism of Fox News and conservative media is a direct reflection of the great success of Stewart, Colbert, Maher, and others.

    1. Stewart is gone but he preached to 2.2 million per night; Colbert is now a late night talk show host. His success was far less than Stewar's and Mahar has between 700,000 and 900,000 nightly viewers.. The Three Stooges are up against a media giant in Fox News and its 30 million viewer.

    2. No wonder you all are so bigoted. Whatever you have to say about ex democrats, blaming the GOP raciest on the Dems, is beside the point when you ADMIT that Limbaugh is the father of the modern day Republican Party. YOU JUST STEPPED IN IT BIG TIME. How does it feel brown, now?
