She speaks while Obama is silent. 5 of his soldiers dead, and still no lowering of the flag, and, the same promise for swift justice as the one he made regarding Benghazi.

A conservative news anchor has been catapulted to internet celebrity status after a video of her blasting President Barack Obama's efforts in the fight against terrorism went viral.

Tomi Lahren, host of One America News Network's On Point with Tomi Lahren, called out Obama's administration for their 'half-way, half-baked, tip-toe, be-friendly-to-Jihadis mentality' in a passionate speech that has been viewed more than 755,000 times on YouTube. 


  1. Flags lowered today by order of President Obama, who today just killed another terrorist leader: Muhsin al Fadhli, a Kuwaiti-born jihadi with a $7 million bounty on his head from the U.S. government, was the leader of the Khorasan Group -- a collection of senior al Qaeda members who had moved into Syria.

    Obama - the most successful killer of Jihadist leaders in history.

    1. Finally, after being shamed, Obama lowers the flag. Should have done it on Day #1.

      Bush killed 40,000 terrorists and their leadership AND he won the freaking war. Obama lost that peace and and his war in Afghanistan is a very embarrassing joke. You people have no idea how to wage a war. In fact, you pretend that war is not necessary.

      Everytime Obama kills someone, he ends our ability to interrogate, to get much needed information. We know less under Obama, than we did before 9/11/ How nuts is that.
