Obama did not close GITMO in his first year, as promised, so he has done a complicated end run, and is about to give GITMO back to the Communists in control of Cuba.

To pretend that GITMO is the driving anti-America motivation for Islam,  is to ignore the killing of bin Laden,  Obama's drone warfare,  and the killing of thousands of bystanders as a result of those drone strikes.  Releasing the murderers held in GITMO,  and,  in that process,  turning them into jihadist rack-stars,  is much more the problem.   Just know,  that Obama has had it in his revolutionary,  Islam sympathizing head, from Day #1,  to kiss up to the communists in Cuba,  give GITMO beck to those killers,  and close that prison forever.  One would think that empowering Iran was as bad as it gets. 

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