Larry Sabato gives us the stats on GOP party support for Trump.

Trump is drawing from the Boomer population  . . . . .   only.  The bad news is found in the fact that a huge percentage of Boomers vote.  Ross Perot ended GH Bush's presidency,  again,  solely on the power of the Boomer demographic.  The supporting age group,  back then,  was the 30-49 demographic.  Today,  it is the 65+ population   . . . . .   same Boomers.  "Older but wiser?"  Not so much.  

If Trump has transplanted himself into the Republican party,  in an effort to get Hillary elected,  as I suspect, his presence on the ballot,  come election day,  will do just that.  Look at his "unfavorables."  The "overall" stat frames the general population including the GOP.  His numbers,  there,  are the worst in American history.    Surprisingly,  he is even more "upside down" within the GOP in all categories compared to the general population,  except for the "65+" demographic.   

Understand that Trump supported Hillary,  big time,  in her run for the Senate and has been supportive of the Clintons,  over the years.  He supported Bloomberg as Mayor of NY City, is pro abortion and has been,  in every way,  a Democrat until now.  If I am wrong about his intentions,  we will not know until or unless he fails to get the GOP nomination and supports the GOP candidate.  

It is more than critical that we nominate a "cross-over" candidate.  I know how unpopular that statement might be to some,  but I am tired of winning all other elections while losing the presidential election.  If Trump takes a significant share of the Boomer crowd,  folks such as Jeb,  Walker, Rubio (maybe Rick Perry - a popular Texas governor with strong Hispanic support in that state) become more viable  . . . . .   the strongest of these choices,  at the moment,  being Jeb and Walker.  

Update:  Understand that my opinion of Trump is not set in stone.  We really do not know his intentions.  In the case of Trump,  "innocent until proven guilty" does not work for me.  We need to be prepared for any eventuality.  Is Trump a cross-over candidate?  Probably not,  but even this remains an unknown.  There can be no debate that Trump often accomplishes his plans,  even when the odds are stacked against him.  He made $356 million,  last year and has stated that he will fund his own campaign   . . . . . .    something that was out of the question with Perot.  

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