Here is an edited version of the full video posted on this blog, but the video begins with a 2000 ABC story very similar to what has been exposed, this week.

2000,  ABC story on body parts for sale followed by excerpts from this week's scandal ridden video 


  1. The fetus fetishists are out in full force. Will they mention the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to scientists who developed the polio vaccine using fetal kidney cells? Or the rubella vaccine also came from research done on tissue taken from an aborted fetus? Or that fetal tissue transplant is a possible treatment for diseases ranging from diabetes to Parkinson's?

    No, they won't mention that... it might interfere with their fetus fetish.

    1. Hey, you forgot the lamp shades the Nazi made or all those wonderful neurological experiments they performed.

      Did you even listen to the video? Have any idea what a "grasper" is. Do you not understand that PPP "doctors" abort by taking a grasper, inserting it into the womb (you know what that is, right?) and start pulling the baby apart. Clearly, per this wine drinking, salad eating bitch of a person, these babies are old enough to have functioning organs, arms and legs and a head with a human face on it.

      And if you mean by "fetus," an unborn human being, well, you are as much a phony as is the bitch. This is what the liberal Left does, folks. They sit around and think of every word game imaginable, so, they come up with "homophobic" as a pejorative, "gay" instead of queer, and "fetus" instead of "unborn" or "baby," thinking, of course, that they have fooled us all.

      The process of aborting an unborn is no less horrific than ANYTHING the Nazi did during the War or ISIS is doing, today. Imagine ISIS hitching you up to several trucks, each pointed in different directions, and pulling you apart as they drive off, looking forward to sharing a glass of wine and nice crisp salad.

    2. It is extremely rare that such late term abortions are performed, and often because the fetus is found to be missing a brain or some such deformity, or to save the life of the mother... but the fetus fetishists would like you to believe this is normal and common, the deceptive assholes they are.

    3. Total BS. BTW, your new word, "fetishists" when applied to "fetus," is no longer allowed, here. The phrase is a lie, intended as a pejorative, and serves no purpose but to inflame emotions.

      Secondly, we are not talking about "late term abortions" as that Nazi-type action is defined. The fact of the matter is this: the beotch in the video is talking about abortions, in general, especially those occurring after 20 weeks.

      Secondly, the prevention of death due to pregnancy is somewhere around 2% of all pregnancy and catastrophic deformities are somewhere south of 1%.

      "Asshole" versus murdering piece of barnyard . . . . I'll accept "a . . . . hole" as a compliment.

    4. Vaccines used today that were developed using fetal tissue or cells include:
      ALL developed using either the WI-38 and MRC-5 cell strains:
      Hepatitis A vaccines [VAQTA/Merck, Havrix/GlaxoSmithKline, and part of Twinrix/GlaxoSmithKline]
      Rubella vaccine [MERUVAX II/Merck, part of MMR II/Merck, and ProQuad/Merck]
      Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine [Varivax/Merck, and part of ProQuad/Merck]
      Zoster (shingles) vaccine [Zostavax/Merck]
      Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7 oral vaccine [Barr Labs] *
      Rabies vaccine [IMOVAX/Sanofi Pasteur]

      Someday, you or someone you care about could be saved by a vaccine that was developed with fetal tissue.

    5. Another load of crap for a man who supposedly has a PhD while, somehow, remaining ignorant of most things political.

      First, "science" could harvest stem cells from the naturally dead unborn. In point of fact, I believed this is exactly the case with all of the above.

      Secondly, we now know that adult stem cells can be converted to fetal stem cells.

      Third, you being a faithful member of the Planned Parenthood's Third Reich, do not care that these advances may have come at the cost of millions of unborn.

      I am not going to spend any time arguing for or against the bastardly benefits of killing off our unborn. THAT is the problem. And we just don't kill them, we torture and tear them into pieces, while they are alive. Got it punk.

    6. No, not a load of crap, historical FACT. The vaccines listed above were created with fetal tissue or cells. Are you a history denier in addition to being a science denier?

    7. Another load of crap for a man who supposedly has a PhD while, somehow, remaining ignorant of most things political.

      First, "research scientists us stem cells from the naturally dead unborn. In point of fact,

      Secondly, we now know that adult stem cells can be converted to fetal stem cells. The harvest of fetal stems cells from living unborn is not necessary. Killing the unborn for the harvest is as barbaric and cruel as mankind can get.

      You, being a faithful member of the Planned Parenthood's Third Reich, do not care that these "advances" may have come at the cost of millions of unborn.

      I am not going to spend any time arguing for or against the bastardly benefits of killing off our unborn. THAT is the problem. And we just don't kill them, we torture and tear them into pieces, while they are alive. Got it punk.

    8. One more thing: Do you think I could come up with a rather long list of scientific and societal health benefits by studying your girl friend as someone slowly extracted her organs while alive and made note of the psychological trauma during the process to add in counseling those who face survive but face trauma? Would the list of good accomplished, justify the torturous demise of your friend?

      Case closed.

      Anyone can justify evil. That is what you have done. Justifying evil deeds does not change the nature (i.e. "evil") of those deeds.
