Another example of the hypocrisy from the Left . . . . . . of such proportions that it threatens to utterly destroy this nation's foundation . . . . . . . which is a stated goal of the Left, btw

<<<<   Point of this post:  To make the obvious point that ours is a capitalist economic system.  Capitalism built our home (picture),  and gave us the ability and income to buy and upgrade this home.  And,  this is true for every home built in these United States of America.  230 years of prosperity,  making us the most successful nation of free people in the history of the World,  is all due to capitalism.  Our poor are the richest poor on earth, again,  because of a high grade capitalist compliment that funds our social programs and continues to lead the world  . . . . . . .   in spite of Obama's efforts to bring us down while making the case for "needed change."  In the end,  as Obama pushes his capitalist alternative, the poor are poorer than before this know-nothing came onto the scene;  our work week is shorter;  welfare rolls have grown off the charts and the workforce is the smallest in 40 stinking years.  That is what "socialism" has given us.  Time for a change.  Update:  In other words,  "Capitalism" is a part of the American fabric.  It is written "in stone,"  and cannot be replaced without tearing the fabric of American success into pieces. 

This nation became the greatest nation on Earth using the principles of Capitalism to the exclusion of all other economic theories   . . . . . . . . . .   Ca-pit-al-ism.  True right up until the September, 2008 and the Wall Street Collapse  . . . . . .    right up to that very moment.

The socialists among us want you to forget 230 years of Capitalist driven prosperity,  and focus on four months of Wall Street panic in 2008/2009.  Good grief.  How narrow and politically biased must a person be to focus on a very temporary disaster and pretend it to be an indictment of centuries of positive growth in this country? 

And,  about that recovery   . . . . . . .  Obama and his socialist buds have done nothing in terms of in-place work theory that has generated any sort of recovery.  While a "recovery" is a debatable reality,  clearly the only existing economic system in 2015 is the one we [still] call "Capitalism."  

Let's not forget that the 2008 collapse was caused by a Progressive Idiot's Policy called "Affordable Housing,"  a policy that came directly  from the pit of hell we call Progressive Utopian Strategy.   Lending institutions were ordered by congressional Progressives to dole out more and more mortgage funding to those who could neither afford to save for a downpayment or make the payments on a fixed, 30 year note.  

Beginning in the later years of the Clinton Administration,  the demise of Glass/Steagall (1998) marked the beginning of a 10 year push to get as many of the poor into their own homes as possible.  Banks were encouraged by our politicians to ignore rules for minimum income.  Loans were often handed out to those who had no ability and/or no long term intentions of keeping up with their financial obligations.  By 2005.  enough of these high-risk and unqualified home owners,  had stopped making their payments,  that most "in the know" financiers  were aware that a disaster was in the making.  So much so,  that President Bush, a defender of "Affordable Housing,"   tried to increase lending requirements and was excoriated by the Socialist/Progressive Dems.    
Click on image to enlarge.  Its a beautiful home. 

In short,  what failed,   in 2008,  was (a) the socialist policy of sub-prime,  high risk lending practices.  On a personal note,  in 2006,  in the middle of the housing bubble,  our $145,000 home (a beautiful 1600 s.f. house with a pool and a good sized lot) was revalued at $365,000.  We had a lending come to us offering a no-money down loan on 125% of our evaluation  . . . . . .   a total number north of $420,000.  One of our next door neighbors sold her home (without a pool) for $335,000.  That home,  today,  eight years later,  is worth $150,000.   

And (b) the greed of a lending market supported by Fanny and Freddie mortgage relief policies and world free of the much needed financial restrictions of Glass-Steagall.  

Socialist policy and Capitalist driven greed were the chief culprits in the 2008 collapse.  

Today,  a lending market that has learned its lesson,  a [capitalist driven] market that knows it will be blamed when things go badly,  has revamped its lending practices even without the silliness of Dodd/Frank,  and refuses to carry the water for Progressive do-gooder lending reform.  What you have left,  is a humiliated capitalist system that has regulated itself.  Sadly,  the socialist Progressive component remains, is still running wild,  pretending that it has solutions when it does not. 

Implicit in this brief history lesson is the fact that capitalism is the only remedy to current financial/economic issues in this country and that is the greater lesson.  

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