Understand that we are watching a president who, by his own choices, will go down as the longest running "lame duck" in presidential history.
July of 2010 marked the end of his legislative "legacy," as he signed into law, the "not-fully-written," Dodd/Frank, too big to fail, law. Since that time, Obama has set out to circumvent Congress, even a congress that was fully controlled by his own party, as he sought to transform America via wishful thinking, executive orders, and radicalized regulations . . . . . . all of which can be changed with the next president. Since that time, he has been a "lame duck."
Three reasons why "lame duck" translates into "dead duck"
And today, as I write, you hear very little of this dreamers agenda. As it turns out, everyone has started the 2016 election cycle eight months earlier than in past years, sucking much of the life out of all other news items of the day. Add to this, the fact that influential party leaders, Chuck Schumer and Robert Menendez, to name two of the most important Senators in D.C., want Obama to sit down and shut up and allow the Party to begin to recover from Obama's disastrous leadership (taking the Party to its lowest level of elected influence, nation wide, since 1928). And, finally, the failure of his latest two efforts at building a legacy: amnesty as per an executive order (stopped by the Federal Court in Fedruary, and on hold, indefinitely), and whatever in the world the man thinks he is doing in and with Iran (news flash: there is no agreement, contrary to Obama/Kerry statements otherwise).
As Obama fades into the daily reporting of the coming campaign, we can only say, "Good riddens."
Now you know.
Oh, he will make a move, here and there, in these last days, but his efforts will be no more historical than a fish, flopping around on the shore, trying to stay alive.
such an improvement from our previous 'leadership'
11 million folks have given up looking for work; our GDP has been at or close to 2% for 6 freaking years; poverty levels have gone up and the number of Americans receiving food stamps and other welfare benefits is at their highest levels in decades . . . . . proving that welfare and "upward mobility" are like mixing water and oil. Because the media feeds approval/disapproval numbers, proves nothing.