Hillary is having one of the worst presidential rool-outs in modern American history. Maybe this is why:

Know what this means?  That more than 2 million tweets in support/followers of Hillary  (out of 3.3 million reported) are either fake or came from inactive accounts  (in other words,  they were fake,  as well).  Aren't we all tired of lies,  lies, lies?   I mean,  I know that politicians lie,  but the past six years have been ridiculous,  and now,  we have the Clintons with their pathetic marriage,  coming back to town. 


  1. Considering Bush was elected twice by winning one state (FL - 00, OH -04), and considering the pre election polls, Hillary is the strongest candidate since Bill Clinton. Even stronger.

    Game over.


    1. Utter nonsense. Hillary a stronger candidate than Obama? That is your argument? I don't even need to argue your point.
