Maybe Hillary is in more trouble that anyone cares to admit. See what you think:

<<<<  Sunday talk shows were not good for the Clintons.  

Former Democratic San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown: “It could even be fatal to Clinton’s candidacy.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews:   . . . . . .   when countries give you money, they want something besides love.”

Wall Street Journal’s Kimberly Strassel: Everyone seems to understand this is a huge problem, other than the Clintons.  The Clintons seem to think that the normal rules don’t apply to them.”

New York Times Political Reporter Peter Baker: “This is a big issue for Hillary Clinton.”

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin:   . . . . . .   she has to answer this herself.”

Bloomberg Politics’ John Heilemann :   And I think they’ve—whether it’s illegal or not—violated the spirit of President Obama’s presidency.”

 Meet the Press host Chuck Todd:    I heard an earful last night [at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner] from various Democrats, some who work in the Clinton campaign that said, “Why is she still taking foreign donations?

National Journal’s Ron Fournier: . . . . . . .    You don’t have to be a lawyer to know that they violated ethics laws. . . . . . . . . This is very bad governance.”

Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin: The Clinton Cash revelations are “extraordinarily serious,” said Halperin. “  . . . . .    everybody knows that a lot of those donations were from people who wanted access to the Clintons.”

Read the full story, here.

1 comment:

  1. Your readers might be interested in Eleanor Clift's comments found here: I regard her as a mainstream lib, as I am, making her comments all the more devastating to the Clintons. There are lots of Democrats, me included, who are very concerned with what has happened to our party. Thank God for Schumer and Robert Menendez and Joe Manchin. and others who have spoken out.
