Holder's Department of Justice was a model on par with that of the JFK years. Says who? Says Holder.

A racist sleaze who replaced 40 of the DOJ top investigative positions with Progressives who shared the same sense of black militancy as Holder.  His DOJ refused to prosecute black on white crime, freed two convicted New Black Panthers waiting sentencing,  brought no criminal complaints against any of Obama's Wall Street buds,  and described himself as a principled department head,  when no one else of import,  was/is willing to make that  claim.  50 years from now,  he will be forgotten,  having done nothing to merit his memory as AG.  Good riddens to a near evil member of the radicalized Progressive arm of the Democrat Party. 


  1. So whose the racist, now, Mr Editor?

    1. I am just saying my good-byes to this clown. Mind you, I am not racist in this least, but I hate stupidity and really don't like clowns.
