Why the Left should NEVER be in charge when we are at war.

Under the headline,  below,  we have an effort to institutionalize several Left Wing fantasies,  not the least of which is that which ignores the terror influence of Hezbulah,  Hamas,  Al Qaeda,  the Taliban,  Boko Haram, the terror state of Iran, the PLO,  and the terror regime of Syria.  

In fact,  the ignorance of which I write,  is not the problem nearly as much as is the fact that,  in the face of the omissions I have just listed,  the world response to ISIS and Boko Haram in Africa,  is being defined as "Islamophobia."   In the end,  those biased for Islam,  do not have the common sense needed to realize that their opposition to the label "radical Islam,"  or "violent Islam" is "Islamic jihad,"  is a denial of the existence of false religion.  Their arguments do not recognize "false religion" as being an ideology.  Without admission to this undeniable reality,  these morons have no ideological answer to the violent problems of the day.  Instead,   Obama and his buds want you to think Islamic terror is the result of a failure in Saudi Arabia (for example) and other Islamic nations to supply jobs and a sense of societal equality to their people.  Imagine this:  John Kerry,  Hillary Clinton,  Nancy Pelosi,  Harry Reid,  Dick Durbin,  Hussein Obama and all of our U.N. enemies,  what you to believe that if the United States transfers it's privately generated wealth to the governments of Dubai,  the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,  and Kuwait  over the next three or four decades,  the problem of genocidal terror will go away.   Keep in mind that these are the very people who want you to believe that the patriot nation are the ignorant ones,  in our society. Keep in mind that Obama is the first President to write a budget proposal that received zero votes in both the House and the Senate,  and he wrote three such budgets.  The man cannot write a budget that merits a single vote from members of his own party,  and Bush is the dummy !!!??  And, now,  this wannabe genius,  wants you to believe that there is no such thing as "false religion."  And how does he advance such a ridiculous notion?  Well,  he makes up a word,  Daish, as he avoids the fact of "al Qaeda,"  a terror religion he claims to have exterminated.  But,  more than this,  he equates "Daishism" with "parkinglotism"  (want to bet that the man had to stay up all night to come up with that one?).  Know this:  "parkinglotism" is a word now being use to pretend that the deaths of three Muslim youths by a rabid liberal,  is a problem that is both systemic to the US domestic circumstance and equal in intensity and threat assessment to that of ISIS.  

No one with an ounce of sense believes this.  Take it to the bank.  And,  as long as these "thinkers" are in charge,  the threat to our country and the world will continue to grow,  exponentially.  

Remember: if one denies reality and cannot think,  logically,  one cannot conduct a successful strategy against the enemy.  

March 3, 2015
Islamic countries invent "parkinglotism" at UN rights council - Claim it is equivalent to ISIS

"...We must search to identify the root causes of Daishism, bokoharamism, parkinglotism..."

(The parking lot refers to an incident in February 2015 in which three young Muslims were killed by a gunman in North Carolina in what police said was a dispute over parking and possibly a hate crime. The incident is still under investigation.) Islamic States at UN mirror Obama administration lingo on "violent extremism" and "root causes"

"...the daunting challenge faced by the international community at the present is the rise of violent extremism....To confront it, we need an understanding of the contexts, the root causes of its manifestations....[J]uxtaposing this phenomenon to one religion or a region would be a great mistake....[T]hose roots lie in what we inherited from the previous century...Two world wars...A Cold War...Colonization...McCarthyism...[R]eligion should not be the culprit. Accusing religion as the source of extreme violence and terror is an abyss that will drown us all. This OIC position had to deal with an increasingly Islamophobic world...We must show courage to openly discuss and address sensitive issues such as limits to freedom of expression when it comes to inciting hatred and discrimination based on one's religion or belief..."

Islamic States use UN "human rights" platform to demonize the Jewish state "OIC remains seriously concerned with...mass atrocities by Israel...war crimes and even genocide...most inhuman occupation...judaization...apartheid..."

(headline and text taken from this report,  found here).  


  1. "As you know two movies came out recently. Selma, the story of one of the 20th century most influential Christian leaders, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who led a non-violent movement that changed the course of American History forever. And American Sniper, the story of the most deadly Navy SEAL sniper in American history. Selma has made 29-30 million so far. American Sniper made over 103 million in the first 4 days. Gives you an idea about who our heroes are. I don’t think it is an under-statement to say that our culture is addicted to violence, guns, war, revenge and retaliation. Unfortunately, so are a lot of Christians. We have to be very careful about equating patriotism with Christianity. "
    --MidAmerica Nazarene University chaplain, Randy Beckum

    1. One man's opinion. American Sniper has earned well over 320 million, to date, proving that the movie struck a cord with the American people on BOTH sides of the political isle.

      Of course, it was Republicans who drove the political movement for racial equality.

      But the Left will continue to pretend that they were the Yankees, that they rejected the KKK instead of inventing it, that they did not write ALL of the Jim Crow laws and that they, as a political party, resisted integration through the mid-1960's. That is their history and now, they want to share that history with the Republican Party.

    2. The party of Kennedy led the political movement for racial equality.

      Lincoln, the "Great Emancipator" ordered the largest mass execution in American History of Native Americans. It was murder to obtain the land of the Dakota and Santee Sioux and to appease his political cronies in Minnesota. Authorities in Minnesota asked President Lincoln to order the immediate execution of all 303 Indian males found guilty. Lincoln was concerned with how this would play with the Europeans, whom he was afraid were about to enter the war on the side of the South. He offered the following compromise to the politicians of Minnesota: They would pare the list of those to be hung down to 39. In return, Lincoln promised to kill or remove every Indian from the state and provide Minnesota with 2 million dollars in federal funds. So, on December 26, 1862, 39 Sioux were hung en masse and the extermination of tens of thousands followed, under the orders of Lincoln, the great Republican.

    3. And you ignore the Democrats mass execution of blacks, via the KKK. Lots of inequities to go around. Still, the GOP is the party of liberty in terms of the slave trade. You want to broaden your complaint because you cannot afford to stay on subject. Cheers.

  2. “American Sniper” lionizes the most despicable aspects of U.S. society—the gun culture, the blind adoration of the military, the belief that we have an innate right as a “Christian” nation to exterminate the “lesser breeds” of the earth, a grotesque hypermasculinity that banishes compassion and pity, a denial of inconvenient facts and historical truth, and a belittling of critical thinking and artistic expression. Many Americans, especially white Americans trapped in a stagnant economy and a dysfunctional political system, yearn for the supposed moral renewal and rigid, militarized control the movie venerates.

    1. Well done. Another timely bit of plagiarism. And nothing in the paragraph represents anything folks like me believe. Not one sentence.

      Run on sentence #1: American Sniper” lionizes the most despicable aspects of U.S. society—the gun culture, the blind adoration of the military, the belief that we have an innate right as a “Christian” nation to exterminate the “lesser breeds” of the earth, a grotesque hypermasculinity that banishes compassion and pity, a denial of inconvenient facts and historical truth, and a belittling of critical thinking and artistic expression.

      Response: the author forgets that he is comparing war, pretending that compassion for our enemies, and pity that leads to critical thinking and artistic expression is the rebuttal for the need for war. He forgets that there are two sides, at least, to every war, and all of the great wars included one side, that understood right from wrong, compassion and fairness from sheer hate and destruction.

      That "stagnant economy" is only anecdotal to the world's greatest economy of all time. No political theory has ever given rise to such personal freedoms and wealth, yet all filled with imperfections that some see to the exclusion of the blessings of this dynamic nation. That last phrase is nothing short of an overblotted polemic that camps on its ability to write a full sentence without help from a teacher.

      Me? I choose this country, warts and all. You despise this nation and, because of that, your comments, plagiarism and all, are expected. You did not disappoint.
