Instead, the Prime Minister won in what is being called "a landslide." So one-sided was this election result, the NY Times ran this belated news lede:
John Podhoretz / New York Post:
Netanyahu gambles his career and scores breathtaking victory
— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech to
supporters at party headquarters in Tel Aviv. — When it comes to
elections, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu is the political equivalent of a
scrambling quarterback.
Indeed, a "breathtaking victory" is the report. And our Utopian media is whining about the victory: "the end of peace in the Middle East" (NBC News, CBSNews, MSNBC) . . . . . . . . so goes the Marxist nonsense.
Just to put things in context, you should remember that Iran has never (as in never never never) kept any of its peace related agreements; Iranian supported terror groups killed more US soldiers in the Iraqi war than any other single entity; Iran has stated and confirmed its intentions to "wipe Israel off the face of the earth.," and all Middle Eastern leadership outside of Iraq oppose the Obama nuclear deal with Iran . . . . . . . . . not one country.
Oh, I left out the most important consideration of all, Iran has opposed all Obama proposals in this "peace effort" for more than a year. In other words, it wasn't going to happen, anyway.
Yes Dorthy, elections have consequences. The PEOPLE of Israel made their disapproval of Obama's crap dealing with Iran, clear and without debate. More than this, the elections, here in America, have given the GOP the political power to stand up in open resistance to the dictatorial antics of the man who would be the world's Supreme Leader.
Don't like the results? Hate the fact that Obama has no political clout, here at home, or anywhere in the world? Try winning an election that really counts. Better yet, try diplomacy; try working with the desires and demands of the American people. Until then, content yourselves with standing on the outside, looking in.
Netanyahu has a six seat majority and you call this a "landslide?" There are 120 or 130 seats in their congress and he owns 30. Hardly a landslide, and IF Obama was involved, he definitely came out a "winner." You want to pretend that all major network news sees this "victory" as a disaster but clearly, you are not concerned for peace in the middle east.